Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"Son", he said," grab your things, I've come to take you home".

Don't know why, but I had the thought today that I'd love to be able to hypnotize people, or at the very least, see a hypnotist convince a non musician that he or she is the next Bob Dylan or Joni Mitchell and is about to perform in front of hundreds of his or her adoring fans. Then the hypnotist would hand him or her a guitar and a stool and the fun would begin. I'd be curious to hear what came out of it. Maybe a new star would be born. Nah, they'd probably suck, but it would be hilarious. I have a whole list of things I'd like a hypnotist to do. Maybe I should contact one and sell him my ideas. Hey, comedians have writers, so why can't hypnotists?

This whole Tom Brady "bootgate" shit needs to come to an abrupt halt. I can't even bring myself to go any further with this topic; that's how disgusted I am with it. I'll sum it up thusly: this planet is inhabited by a bunch of fucking morons. Stop the ride, I want to get off!

I've been feeling alternately fatalistic and merry lately. Could be a good look for me. Kind of sexy, no? Ok, you convinced me---I"m going to stick with it. Maybe I'll get laid as a result.

Saw the pic of the creature/statue from the Mars rover today. Very interesting, me thinks. It will get absolutely zero coverage in the media, and why should it? There are other, more pressing stories out there, like the aforementioned boot-gate.

Ok, off to other things. I hope I get a chance to immerse myself in some Lonesome Dove tonight. So far it's been a great read.


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