Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It only costs a buck for three tries, though money never buys enough of anything, and I'm a moving target trying to shake some lead from your eyes

For the last.....hell, I don't know for how long---I've felt an undercurrent of unease. It hasn't been constant and it's been manageable, but I wonder if it's having a corrosive effect on my being. Like the tide eroding the landscape. I'm taking measures to curb, or better yet, eliminate this feeling from my set list. Part of the remedy will be found in exercise, something I've just gotten back into, and another part will be found in meditation, an activity it's about time I reacquaint myself with. Another, and perhaps the most essential, part will be found in picking on nerds; a pursuit that's fallen by the wayside, but one I've always found deeply gratifying.

The Celtics look about ready to lose to the Bobcats, a team they should beat. Who knows, with KG on the team, the Celtics can come back from anything, even a broken heart. Don 't know why that part about the broken heart crept into that sentence, but it's staying because it's gold, baby! Update: with 2:28 left in the game, the Celts are down by nine. KG looks like a raging battalion of Vikings has just taken possession of his soul. Look out Bobcats, this could turn out poorly for you.
You know who likes milk? Kittens. Yep, it's not an uncommon sight to behold a kitten lapping up milk out of a bowl. I'm pretty sure puppies aren't so keen on milk. Imagine that, seeing a puppy going at a bowl of milk. Unheard of and somehow blasphemous. I don't think bunnies are into milk that much, either. Nor ferrets. It should be understood thatI'm not referring to milk from the teat, which all sorts of animals drink, but mostly out of necessity. So, if you think about it, kittens are the only ones all about the milk, or at least the only ones I can envision, in my limited imagination, drinking it out of sheer enjoyment (I'm including cats in the equation, because they were once kittens and I'm pretty sure I've seen one or two enjoying milk in my time). You find me an animal, other than a kitten, that looks good, looks comfortable at a bowl of milk, and I'll take you out to dinner and some hot-tubbing. Actually, that sounds like fun, so please find that animal.

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