Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pretend that you owe me nothing, and all the world is green

Today was an improvement over yesterday. Karen gave not the slightest indication that she was planning on axing me; in fact she seemed to be in a good mood and our conversations over the phone were lighthearted. That was a relief. I do need to get another job, but I'd prefer the convenience of time to find one over being forced to take the first thing that came along just to make ends meet. Ah, life.

To make matters interesting, I worked exclusively with Gio and his girlfriend today. Karen wanted me to show them how to navigate our system on the computer. I half expected Gio to give me the evil eye every time I looked Dru's way, but he acted comfortable with me being in her presence. He even didn't mind me whispering instructions into her ear. Really, though, he was positively cordial with me and I wondered if he knew I was aware of his tattling (I've been dying to use that word in a sentence for-EVER!). Didn't matter, because I had resolved not to act any differently around him. I really don't have any hard feelings towards him, even though I would have preferred him coming to me with his grievance. It's not for me to determine what others deem offensive. Like I said in my last post, though, I think there's more to it as far as he's concerned, but I'll let it pass because I don't find it worth it to go tit for tat with him in whatever mind games he's up to.
I've been listening to T.Rex non stop for the last few weeks and the reason for it is because they're so damn good! Here's a list of why I'm so damn sure:

1. Marc Bolan's voice. Sexy, feminine, muscular, bluesy---Devendra Banhart does a decent Marc Bolan, but hasn't learned to sell it like Bolan did.

2. The instrumentation. Bass, drums, electric and acoustic guitars, and often a string section. And these strings aren't symphonic background filler---no they're right up in the mix, punchy and grooving away with the other instruments.And there's no fat in any of the playing; there's a lot of space, even in the heavy songs. The word "space" is absent in the vocabulary of many a modern band.

3. Hooks galore. These songs land in your head and stay there, which, unlike commercials that do the same thing, is a welcome visitation.

4. They're fun. It's hard not to find yourself, even if you're grumpy, having a good time listening to T.Rex. Take note: whenever you're depressed about something, like how much better looking I am than you, listen to some T.Rex. Better than anything your pill-pimp doctor will shell out.

I'm going to try and finish Blade Runner tonight. I had to shut it off last night because I kept falling asleep. I fear, because I'm more sleepy tonight than I was last night, that I may end up doing the same thing. Maybe a little T.Rex will wake me up.

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