Saturday, September 23, 2017

Didn't time seem so sweet yesterday

Well, it's been a few months since my last post. I am among the living! Guess I needed a break. To those of you who've been checking in and wondering why there haven't been any posts, all I can say is that things are always changing even when it doesn't seem like it. I've had other things occupying my attention and the blog took a back seat.

No way I'm going to attempt to recap everything that's gone on since my last post; that would be an undertaking I'm not equipped to tackle presently.


Mona is here for the weekend. She's down from Canada taking Ayurveda classes with Veronica. This is her third or fourth time staying with us. She's a good presence to have in the house. The kittens love her and she's V's best friend besides yours truly. And I'm fond of her, too.

Ever since my cardiac event over the summer that left me with three stents in my heart, my life has been a bit different. I'm a little over a month out from my last procedure, which was to have two more stents put in and, while I've been feeling more and more like my old self, I'm still recovering in more ways than just physical.

I've been feeling out of touch with friends and family. It's been tricky finding the time or the inclination to tend the social garden. A good part of that has to do with the heart attack and how it narrowed my life down to pretty much just me and Veronica. When all of this happened at the retreat in Rockport at the end of June, I certainly wasn't expecting how much it would change my life. Still, I say that and it also can be said that I'm still myself in a fundamental way. But what do I know?

Time to go to bed. V and Mona hit the hay early. They have long classes and are out the door early in the morning. I might read from Jacques Vallee's Invisible College or the book on Jimmy Saville. We'll see.


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Fear is your only guide on the radio

Another lengthy gap between posts. It's alright; I'm not sure there are many of  you left out there checking in to this blog. I haven't the heart to put it to sleep, so to speak, so I'll keep it going. It's not that I don't have anything to write about, it's just that I haven't had the time or the inclination to put pen to paper. I've said this before in past posts. I'm sure of it.


Veronica has been reading from this blog. She started at the beginning. I don't know what year she's on now, but I've been okay with it, despite my fears to the contrary. It's a good way for her to fill in the blanks with a number of the years before we met. So far she hasn't encountered anything to warrant a divorce (as far as I know). We'll see how things pan out.

We have two new additions to our family: Tasmine and Tomasin, sister kittens and cute as can be. We'd been talking about getting a kitten but these girls came as a bonded pair, so it was both or neither. When V showed me pics of them, I had to think of it for a bit, but it made sense to me we should try to adopt them. V got right on it and within a week our household became a bit more crowded and quite a bit more active.

We've been using V's office as  a nursery for them until they're old enough to be left out at night unsupervised (Tasmine's agenda is to investigate any situation that will result in mischief; Tomasin is sweet and responsible but still a kitten and not entirely trustworthy). This is as close as I'll get to parenthood, raising three cats. Kikuchiyo has been a good older brother but he's bigger than them and can get rough with them when they play. Another reason for the nursery.

V and I were pretty beat this morning and there was mild dread around taking a Krav Maga class this morning, but we got ourselves there and made it through. It was an intense class. Lots of kicking and punching drills, no let up. A lot of sweat. Yankel, who taught today, ended the class with gun disarming drill. A number of people were going to play paintball later in the day but V and I declined so we could do some chores at home. We would have liked to have gone; not only do we enjoy the classes themselves, but we've been meeting some great people.

We leave for Puerto Rico in a few days. I haven't been on a vacation like this in years and years. My inlaws have a place in San Juan they've been renting for years and invited us to come visit. We'll probably meet up with my cousin, Brian, who lives there in his capacity as an FBI agent (nice gig).

Alright, I'm out of here, children.
