I just typed a bunch of stuff about my job, none of it really negative, and promptly deleted it . I'm leery of taking the job home with me. Of course, all the writing I'd done was accomplished at work, but never mind that. The point is, I don't feel like writing about work right now. Why can't you understand that?
--While eating lunch with my family the other day, my father explained to us the method in which he would like to die. It seems, that much like a wild animal, when the time comes for him to leave this mortal coil, he plans on venturing off into the woods by himself and die. He even has a spot picked out.
"I can't bring any of that stuff because the idea is for me to die out there, not survive", he replied.
"Well, you're going to have to time this out perfectly, then", I said. "If you don't give yourself enough of it, you'll die before you make it to your spot, provided you're even able to begin the trip. And if you are able to make it to your spot, it could be some time before you expire."
"Isn't the point, though, to die as a result of whatever brought you out there in the first place and not as a consequence of being out there?", I asked. "I mean, if the elements get you because of your unpreparedness, then that's suicide. And I'm told the man upstairs doesn't like suicide very much."
The rest of the table joined the discussion and we tossed around the pros and cons of my father's plan. I'm all for the plan; I'm thinking of following suit when the time comes. But how will I know? I guess, as with my father and assorted wildlife, I just will.
Is it possible to go wrong listening to Neu? No, but it's possible, probable even, to enjoy the fuck out of the experience. I suggest you commence to listening to some Neu like I am right now. They're almost as good as Fallout Boy.
I've been nursing an aloe plant, the only plant I've had in the last ten years, but it looks like it's ready to call it a day. It's so tiny and frail (that's what she said) and I am going to give it my all attempting to restore it to health. I'm feel strongly that I will.
Speaking of dogs, I miss having one. They're not called man's best friend for nothing. My goal is to adopt one in the next two years. I'm thinking of naming it Man's Best Friend.
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