I'm stuck at work waiting for Larry to return from a delivery. He's with a guy, Nahil, who just started today. First impression is that he's a nice guy and a hard worker. Time will tell how things pan out. Gio was supposed to work today, and if he had stayed the entire day, instead of leaving after a couple of hours, I would not be sitting here at the desk I've been sitting behind all day. No, I'd be eating a nice, hot dinner and beginning phase one of relax mode. Well, things could have been worse and nothing got majorly FUBAR today, so, provided I make it home in one piece, today will have been a success, albeit on a modest scale. And about Gio and Larry and everything in between? Nothing I'd care to get into, which you should thank me for, by the way, because it's hardly interesting stuff.
After supper, I shoveled some slush off our driveway while listening to the song Montana. When that was done I made some coffee and here I am drinking it as I write.
And there's your laundry list.
While waiting for Larry to return, I read a ton of old emails to pass the time. I went as far back as '05. I had Serena , the short-fused, yet eternally lovable, pooch, back then. Alas, I had to give her up, an occasion that I doubt will ever sit well with me. I was also living at my parents at that time, having been a member of the diaspora that resulted from the selling of the house my friends and I had been living in. That house was a gathering place for us and the selling of it signaled an end of an era.
Maybe it was the shitty weather that brought about a trek through my past, but I had also been ruminating on what my situation was this time last year. Not very good. I was jobless with no prospects, my unemployment had run out, and Spira had announced she was moving out. I was as low as I'd ever been, yet I was determined to get myself out of the hole I was in. Though sometimes it feels all I did was jump into another hole, only smaller, things are markedly better. Sometimes reflection is beneficial. Puts things into perspective.
Time to go watch some of the Celtics game. They're playing the Knicks, the dirtiest sons-of-bitches in the league. They'll put up a good fight, especially since they hate the C's, but we despise them even more, and alas, we'll crush them into the dirt, or the parkay, as it were. (For the record, I have no idea if I spelled "parkay" correctly, but I have a feeling you don't either, so let's leave it at that).
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