Monday, February 11, 2008

I am just living to be lying by your side, but I'm just about a moonlight mile down the road

I've gone through more light bulbs in my bedroom since I've lived here than I had in the previous three years combined. And the funny thing is, you'd think I'd have extra light bulbs on hand, but I hardly ever do. So, when another bulb died on me today, I immediately bundled up and walked over to Brooks and bought a box of bulbs, not before stopping at the 'bucks to grab a latte (I am not proud of my fairly regular visits to that establishment. I will seek counseling to correct matters.)

Traded in a bunch Bob TV's cd's, the ones he "left" behind, and some of my own at Newbury Comics yesterday and picked up a few Zappa discs and the Stone's Sticky Fingers in exchange. I also picked up Across the Universe, a film I'd been eager to see. After getting some Chinese food at Chang Sho's, Kreg and I watched it last night. I was impressed with the film on a number of levels, not least of which was the great arrangements of Beatles songs. Inspiring and refreshing film. Glad I saw it.

Felt a pang of regret last night over what could have been between her and I. Not sure what brought it on, but when I gave the it some thought, I wondered what it was, if anything, that prevented anything from happening. A theory or two popped up, but I dropped the subject as quickly as I could. What good could come out of dwelling over the past? No, better to leave it be. At least while things are dormant.

Just finished watching the last season of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and it was one of the better ones. I love the Blacks, particularly Leon, played by J.B Smoove. I hope they bring him back next season.

Ok, I'm done with you. As you were.

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