Rich is all moved in and seems to be adjusting nicely to his new surroundings. He and Bob TV have been inseparable. They compliment each other well: Bob TV has found someone who will listen to his diatribes and Rich, who, at least at this stage, hasn't been particularly outgoing, has found someone to listen to. Not as simple as that, of course---they genuinely seem to get along, and that's fine with me. I'll take harmony over discord every time. Speaking of discord....
Spira and Bob TV haven't been chummy for a good stroke of time now, and things have only gotten worse. Their current conflict can be summarized thusly: Spira payed an entire month's worth of rent, but moved out mid-way through. Because of this, she doesn't feel she should pay utilities for that span of time. Bob TV, however, does. I won't go into the details because I've been going over them ad nauseum with the both of them over the last couple of days and I'm quite through with it. To illustrate how pervasive this issue of the bills has become, as I was typing the above, I was pulled back into the thick of the debate. I'm officially done with this nonsense. I tried to make matters better, but the only result thus far has been a headache.
That shitstorm notwithstanding, I've been in a pretty chipper mood and will strive to keep it in my possession for the rest of the night. I'm confident I can do it; I have a pure heart, after all.
I've been writing a lot more lately--music that is-- and I think I'm due to book a gig or two. I took a lengthier break from playing than I anticipated, but I'm happy to report my skills haven't suffered as a result.
I'm off to do some laundry and later, when I've wound down, I will read from my new book called "Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science". Laugh all you want, but the book is fascinating and it's not tabloid-ey like you might surmise. In fact, it's written by an actual scientist and all the evidence is looked at critically, not to force a conclusion, but to establish a baseline of facts upon which further research can depend (some of that sentence was taken from the back of the book. I may be a real son-of-a-bitch, but I'm not a plagarist). Anyway, so far it's a fascinating book. One of these days I'll relate how I've been hugely into Sasquatch ever since I was a wee lad. Until, then, I'm off to pursue my pleasure.
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