Sunday, February 18, 2007

Take a dip into my random thoughts

Luke Warm came over last night and watched the NBA slam dunk contest. Gerald Green from the Celtics was competing, and because the team sucks so much and no other Celtic was invited to the All-Star game, it was a treat seeing one of our own in the limelight. He ended up winning the contest and I cheered as if it meant the Celtics had just won the title. It truly is the little things in life that get us by. So, good for you Gerald, you deserved the victory.

An interesting note that has absolutely no connection with the above, but has just popped into my head and wants to be let out: I was listening to the radio the other day and heard an ad for the Morning Star church. I was immediately struck by how odd the name was, considering that Morning Star is another name for Lucifer, the fallen angel. It is also the name of a weapon---the chain mace--- but why would they name a church after a weapon? Of course why would a church, ostensibly on the side of God, invoke the name of the antichrist? I found out later, using Wikipedia, my trusty guide, that Morning Star is also the figurative name of Jesus in the New Testament, so it makes sense why they gave the church that name. Kind of strange, though, that these opposites would share a name. Maybe not so strange. Lucifer can be looked at as the first son of God, though fallen, and Jesus the second. Because of this, they have more in common than, say, Jesus does does with Popeye. Anyway, I haven't given this topic an extensive look, so I'm going to leave it as food for thought . It's one of those things that, to quote Arsenio, another fallen angel, makes you go "hmmm".

I had some ocean related dreams last night that I won't bore you with, except to say that in one of them, a shark chomped me on the hip. And for some reason, I spent the rest of dream wading in the water, looking for said shark; not to enact revenge, but to get it to recreate the attack so my friends on the shore could see how scary it was and what a brave mother fucker I was for enduring it.

I've had some good meditation sessions of late. And by good I don't necessarily mean pleasant. Diving deep into the void can uncover some scary stuff, but I think we need to do that every so often in order to grow. That's my spiritual message of the day. Take heed.

Speaking of diving deep into the void, I'm planning on watching Apocalypse Now sometime later today or tonight. It's been a while since I've seen the film, and I think I'm due, though I think I may benefit more by watching something a bit more uplifting, like Aguirre, the Wrath of God, another film I have on my list. I kid about it being more uplifting, because if anything, Aguirre is more bleak. I know what you're thinking: with jokes like that, I should be doing stand up. Believe me, I would if I thought the masses were ready for my cerebral, yet hilarious, take on life.

I hate to admit it, but my interest in the life of Britney Spears has been aroused as the result of her shaving her head. Could be me, but I would interpret that action as a sign that she has fallen right off the map. How will she explain this one, I wonder. Well, like the rest of the sheeple, I'll have to wait and find out.

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