Friday, February 23, 2007

He blew his mind out in a car

Luke Warm had a brush with death last night. He was a passenger in our friend Michael's car and while on the snow-slick Interstate 93, they were clipped by an 18 wheeler and proceeded to 360 all the way to the other side of the highway, finally ending up in the woods. By an act of divine intervention or sheer luck, they escaped without a scratch. No one stopped to see if they were alright, not even the truck that clipped them. When a state trooper finally arrived, he wasn't exactly civil to them, according to the gospel of Luke. They would have been better off if they were hot and trendy club chicks. Luke Warm didn't care how he was treated, though, because he had just escaped almost certain death. He was elated. When I spoke with him this morning, he said he feels like he has a new lease on life. No kidding.
Last night, Spira and I hung out in her room just like in days of old, when we'd often do such a thing. Among other things, we discussed the superiority of the white chocolate Easter Bunny over the more common brown variety. Poor Spira used to ask her mother for one every Easter, but because she's Greek, her Easter would mainly occur after every one else's by at least a week, so she'd never get one. The reason her mother gave her was that the stores were all out of Easter candy by the time she'd go looking for it. Spira would tell her to go earlier then, but her mother never remembered. Or maybe she did. Maybe she just didn't want to fill her daughter up with too many sweets. Either way, when Spira got a job at a grocery store, she made it a point to get a white chocolate bunny, and most assuredly other Easter treats, for herself. The lesson: independence has its perks. And to tie off this chunky little paragraph, I will tell you that Spira surprised me today with a sweet little gift when she came back from shopping. I've already eaten its ears.
When I do yoga, there are usually at least two occasions during the routine where I find myself face down on the mat with my limbs splattered about, gasping for precious breath. It's been a few weeks now and I've improved in some areas, but the one constant is those bodily demolitions. I'm not ashamed to admit it; in fact I like the challenge. It's not a necessarily pleasant experience when it occurs, but I always feel great when I'm finished. Incentive is the key, my friends.
Tonight, I'll meet with Luke to watch the Celtics lose to the Lakers. Kobe Bryant is the man, asshole that he may be, and I'm pretty sure he could beat us single-handedly, with his shooting arm in a sling, if he wanted to. Tonight he'll be teaching basketball 101 to the younglings in green, sling or no. The Celtics lost one of their elite former players yesterday in the person of Dennis Johnson. He was in his early fifties and collapsed while playing a pick up game of b-ball. His passing could light a spark under the n'er-do-well Celtics tonight,especially since they're playing a team that, in the time of DJ, was a bitter rival of theirs. I still mean what I said about Kobe schooling us, but maybe, just maybe, something glorious will occur tonight that will make DJ proud.

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