Monday, February 1, 2010

I will try not to breathe, I can hold my head still with my hands and my knees

Not a bad start to the week. I spent half of the day in my neck of the woods, first in Boston and then in Cambridge. It seemed like everything took too long to accomplish, whether it was acquiring certified copies of documents or waiting for my number to be called. I was fine with this for two reasons: 1. most everyone I dealt with was friendly and helpful and 2. every delay prolonged my time away from the office, which, as you know, is always something to strive for. No? Well, I guess you love your job way more than I love mine. Aren't you a darling.

Had a nice, social weekend. On Saturday, I hitched a ride with Mike down to the Cape to visit Craig. Luke Warm, who I hadn't seen for months, was there when we arrived. It was a great time. A lot of laughter and good cheer. Much of what happened I'm not sure I'm at liberty to share here. This is to be expected when debauchery is at play. What happens in Falmouth, stays in Falmouth -- that type of thing.

Really, though, I'm making it sound much wilder than it was. There weren't any prostitutes; we weren't snorting lines of coke off each others areoulae; there was no watching of snuff films- in fact there was no porn watching at all (at least while I was awake). Remember, the four of us are grown men who are cultured, thoughtful, and mature. We have left behind childish ways long, long ago.

With that in mind, let me tell you how fun it was playing Stratego with Luke Warm while Craig and Mike played Jenga. At one point, Mike, out of frustration at losing, threw several game pieces at my back. Ouch! We played a ton of NBA 2k8 on Craig's PS2. Mike had never played before but he learned quickly. When I played him, several drinks later, he bellowed "Fuck you!" every time I scored a bucket on him or prevented him from doing the same to me. Like I said, we are cultured, thoughtful and mature.

I slept in Craig's father's bed. Before I dozed off, I flipped through a book penned by Bill O'Reilly, that was sitting on the nightstand. I got the gist fairly quickly: the far, far, far, far, waaaayyyyy back, left-leaning, clinically insane, baby killing liberals that dominate every nook and cranny of our culture like Lucifer's minions of the Apocalypse must be stopped at all costs. Or something like that. It was late and I was tired. All I know is Bill O'reilly is pissed, son! I put the book down in favor of Carrion Comfort, which I was able to read about a chapter of before I started to nod off.

I was out of it yesterday when I came home. Might have had something to do with the night before. I took a nap, watched the Celtics lose to the Lakers, ate dinner ( a nice, delicious salad with nutrients galore), and then walked down to The Burren with Janelle to see Shane perform. It was great seeing Shane, his fiancee Jenny, Scott, Pat, Ally, and everyone else. After Shane's fine set, I walked home, needing the quiet comfort of my bed.

And now, dear readers, we must part ways. I've got other matters to attend to. Don't fret, I'll be back oh- so-soon.

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