Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's a god-awful small affair, to the girl with the mousy hair

Not complaining - okay, maybe I'm complaining - but I'm scheduled to go to my grandmother's house for a St. Patrick's Day meal and I don't really want to. I'm sure, once I'm there, I'll enjoy myself, but right now I'm not really feeling it. And the prospect of boiled cabbage and turnips isn't sweetening the pot, either.I'd rather be working on music. I thought I'd have more time this weekend to assemble a set for Wednesday's show in Manchester, but that hasn't been the case. Yesterday, I ran errands, drove to Union Sq. to catch Spira's art exhibit before it got taken down, caught up with people on the phone, and hung out with Craig later in the evening. Not terribly busy by most pro-active people's standards, but busy enough to prevent me from focusing on music. I did, however, manage to write some lyrics Friday night. At least there's that.

Like with last year's ice storm, many of my New Hampshire friends were left with no power for days after last weeks storm and attendant severe winds beat the crap out of everything in its path. I've lucked out, living in the city; thus far, God's wrath has been reserved for the northerners. My sympathy goes out to everyone who suffered the worst of the storm.

Since I finished that last sentence, I've gone to my grandmother's house and come back. It went alright, despite the small turnout. My sister and her family didn't make it, nor did my cousin Erin and her family. The only child present was my nephew Ty. He's about four years old and, for reasons beyond me, I've had little or no interaction with him. Today, due to the absence of other children to play with, he chose me as his playmate. It made sense: I'm the next likely candidate when no other children are present. We had a good time. It beat having having semi-uncomfortable conversations with the adults.

As we ate our boiled dinners, I was itching to leave. And leave I did, shortly after finishing my meal. I only felt slightly guilty; it wasn't one of the better gatherings, my antisocial leanings notwithstanding. Still, it was worth it seeing my family. And, even though I didn't stay long, I knew it was important that I went, that without family, we're lesser beings.

I just realized something. My eating habits today were unconventional, if not strange. For breakfast I had a combo pack of Trader Joe's sushi, orange juice, and coffee. For lunch, corned beef and potatoes (no cabbage for me - smells like sweaty feet). I have a feeling dinner will be interesting. Maybe I'll have ambrosia on toast with a side of corn dogs. Stay tuned.

Okay, off to catch some of the USA vs. Canada hockey game. It's for the gold, baby! Before I go, here are some random parting thoughts that will confound you if read too deeply into them or not deeply enough. You may as well skip over it in favor of Facebook, where I encourage you to explore its depths while avoiding the dreaded act of Vaguebooking, an offense that is quickly approaching the territory of unforgivable.

Still here, eh? I knew my pure heart, sunny disposition, mysterious countenance, and animal magnetism would compel you to remain and pour over every word with zeal. I knew, but I wanted you to feel as if you had a say in the matter. I digress.

My parting words. They are as follows: Unexpected crush; Ashy Larry; lusty dreams of her; Kingfisher gorgeous song; nap time for lonesome ol' me; more lyrics, more lyrics, more lyrics; Monday approaches; yes, nap time.

There you have it. Simply put.

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