Wednesday, February 3, 2010

That is why I pack my 25, where nobody knows, right above my boot

A pretty good day that was in keeping with the tone of the week. I'll take it. Of course there's always the sour to match the sweet, but if I haven't figured that out by now, then it's amazing I've made it this far. Actually, now that I think of it, how did I make it this far? Something to ponder, readers.

Just came back from getting my first haircut in several months. I think the last one was in June. Hippie Kevin has left the building. He might be back, but for now he's outta here, son! Carla, who did the cutting, whipped out the gel at the end (Oh, please no!) and before I could protest, she sculpted my hair into a style that has absolutely no business traversing the streets of this decade. I looked like Alex P. Keaton would have looked if he was auditioning for The Fixx. I was thankful I brought a hat.
I used to work with this guy Chepo who was one of the strangest guys I've ever met. The closest way to describe him is to say he's the Puerto Rican Tracey Morgan. I loved this guy. Anyway, he used to all of a sudden blurt out "Mama No Cry!" in a loud, exaggerated, muppet-like, voice. Whenever I'd ask him what he meant, he'd tell me it was from a song. A song, sure, but from which planet or dimension, I couldn't fathom.

I finally figured it out when I heard Bob Marley singing "No Woman, No Cry". Mystery solved, but what was Marley getting at? I didn't know. Was he pointing out that when you're not in love with a woman, you don't have to worry about her breaking your heart and making you weep, or was he pleading with a woman not to cry? Substitute the first "no" with "please" and the second "no" with "don't" and you'll see what I mean. Now that I've had several years to think it over, I'm going to have to go with the former possibility, that Marley was telling us that women equal heartbreak. If there was another comma after the first "no", then I'd think the opposite. Another way to tell would be to actually listen to the lyrics and figure out what he was getting at. And I suppose a quick Google search would provide an answer. Frankly, I don't know why I've put any energy into this, considering I'm not a big Bob Marley fan. So eff it, I say. Let's move on

The premier of Lost, all two hours of it, rocked. It will be too bad when it goes off the air after this season. There's not a show like it on network TV, or anywhere else. It's an old school Sci-Fi adventure romp that fell out of popularity years ago. Anyway, I hope they replace it with something in the vein of CSI or with a dating reality show.

Ok, I'm out this piece.


Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

My take on "No woman, No cry"
Its about when he leaves he doesnt want her to cry.
He is reminiscing about their lives and then talks as if things were no longer the same.
Maybe its about drifting apart or physically being taken away but being separated, either way. Im a Marley fan. ;)

Kate said...

I have always thought that Bob Marley was saying if you don't have a woman it is not the end of the world but maybe I need to listen more carefully to the lyrics the next time that I hear that song. (Or maybe I could look them up if the lyrics are available online.) Truth be told I have never payed too much attention to Bob Marley in the past but I am sure that I will now just because of this post. ;O)

Kevin said...

Thank you for the input. I wish I liked Bob Marley's music more than I do. I don't mind it, but it doesn't do too much for me. Can't love everything, I guess.