Friday, June 13, 2008

Watch out where the huskies go, and don't you eat that yellow snow

Damn! What a game last night. Well, at least the second half. Mara, Rich, and I were on our way back from seeing Iron Man and I turned on the radio to check the score. The announcers kept saying the crowd was quiet from all the drama. What drama, though? Were they quiet from cheering so much for their team as they bulldozed the Celtics, or were they quiet because their team was being bulldozed by the Celtics. Much to my displeasure, I soon found out it was the former scenario. The Lakers were schooling the Celtics. They were up by twenty four points. It was nearing the end of the first half. Well, at least I saw a good movie, I thought.

Back at the house, Craig had the game on. In my heart, I knew a comeback was unlikely, even though the Lakers had almost done it to the Celtics when they were down by the same deficit in game two. The problem for the Celtics was they lacked the offensive prowess of the Lakers. It didn't look good.

Mara went home and Craig, Rich, and I went to our respective rooms. I had the game on mute in my room while I sat at my computer. I didn't bother looking over at the screen for a while because I suspected they might be losing in an unprecedented way, like down by fifty points or worse. So, when I finally summoned the nerve to check the score, my jaw dropped. They were only down by two points!

Well, you know the rest, so I won't bother continuing with my run down, short of saying Kreg, Rich, and I resumed our posts in the living room and cheered heartily as the Celtics did the unthinkable and defeated the Lakers and that I wish Luke Warm was there watching it with us. It still hasn't sunk in that the Celtics, the shitty-ass team that sucked so bad last year, but one I loved anyway, is on the verge of WINNING THE CHAMPIONSHIP (like how I used the caps for emphasis? That way you really get where I'm coming from. Only the best for you, dear readers.) Sunday could be the last game of the year, but I kind of hope they lose so they can come back to Boston and win it all there.
Mark your calendars, music fans. I'll be playing at The Abbey in Cambridge on June 23. It's a Monday night, which means the only people I expect to show up will be the ones who live within five miles of the place. Mondays can be rough. It should be a fun show all the same. My friends Leesa, Foley, and Krissy, will each be playing a set. Really, you should come; I wrote a touching song about you that you won't want to miss.

I was going to watch Persona tonight, an Ingmar Bergman film I've been meaning to watch for years, but Netflix dragged their asses and didn't ship it out to me quickly enough. If I can, I'll finish watching Yankee Doodle Dandy, a great film starring James Cagney. I never knew what a great song and dance man he was.

There are a handful of movies I want to see in the theater, which is a rare thing for me. Including Iron Man, which I just saw, I want to go see the new Indiana Jones flick, Batman, The Incredible Hulk, the new Shamalan film (can't remember the title), and The Fall, a movie by Tarsim that's supposed to a visual mindfuck. Will I see them all? Stay tuned, bitches.
Enough out of me. I'm going to stop by Mara's for a bit. It's Father's Day this weekend, so I suppose I should do something for dear ol' dad. I won't see him on Sunday, though, because he and my mother are going out to my sister's in Ashburnham, which, if you've never heard of it, is waaayyyyy the fuck out there. Or at least waaaayyyy the fuck out there from where I am. And that means I'll be staying put. Have you seen the gas prices? Fuck that, son! I love my family, but not that much

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