Friday, March 14, 2008

Little Eifel stands in the archway

I've got to get my read on. Joe Abercrombie's Before They Are Hanged, his sequel to the magnificent The Blade Itself, is out and so is the new book on 9/11 by David Ray Griffin, the preeminent author on the subject. As it stands, I still have to finish his book on the 9/11 commission and Midnight Tides, by Steven Erikson. And, I'm still plugging away at Lonesome Dove. Whew! At some point in my adult life I've taken to reading several books concurrently. I like the variety, but it gets too easy to get ahead of myself. Damn, am I a frickin' nerd, or what? That sucks, because I hate nerds!

There's a few things going down that I could write about, but frankly I'm a little pressed for time, so everything will have to wait until another day. In the meantime, check out Oliver the Humanzi.

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