Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I feel the pain of everyone and then I feel nothing

Kim is the type of person who laughs at the end of every other sentence. It bugs the fuck out of me. It's a big, hearty laugh that always sounds out of context. I'll hear her on the phone and she'll say something like, "I sent it over to you but I think you gave me the wrong fax number". Now, it was misleading of me to say that she laughs at the end of every other sentence when she really laughs near the end. So, if you take the above quote and apply the laughter it will appear this way: "I sent it over to you but I think you gave me the wrong fax number" (italics indicate where she starts laughing almost uncontrollably).

Now, what in the hell is so funny about that, I ask you? Yeah, yeah, yeah---I know it's probably a nervous affectation, but my gut tells me she really thinks what she's saying is funny. Oh, and the answer to the question is nothing---there's nothing funny about what she said. It is annoying however, especially when you have to listen to it all day. I guess I'd probably find it endearing if I didn't think she was so sketchy. I don't know, maybe I'm just being a grump about her. I'm sure she finds it annoying that I work topless and constantly ask her if she thinks I'm handsome (she says I am, but she's obviously lying. How could anyone look at the pile of rat dung that is me and think I'm handsome? I'm just fooling, I think I'm hot and so do you.)

Ok, enough bitching about Kim's inappropriate laughter. I'll explore it further, and in greater depth, in forthcoming posts. Stay tuned, readers.
Tonight I will continue with my Lost marathon. I'm about halfway through the second season. I've still got a while yet before I'm completely caught up.
She lingers in my head, in the recesses and corners of my mind. I think about what could have been, what still might be, why it will never be, the gamut. All of this in whispers and gossamer; nothing heavy or urgent. Still, I hold no illusions of anything ever happening. I'm not about to try and force a situation, especially when there doesn't even appear to be a situation. No, I'm open to other possibilities. But, man, she's something else.

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