Monday, July 16, 2007

Stars of track and field we are

Just returned from a really long walk and the first thing I did was throw a bunch of fruit into my new blender and attempted to make a smoothie. I say attempted because, though the blending part was a success, the pouring part left something to be desired. Lets just say the bottom fell out, or rather, I helped it fall out and the aftermath was a thick red puddle all over the counter. I wasn't deterred and made another smoothie, this time making sure not to mess with the bottom of the container.

As you may have figured out already, I'm trying to get healthier. Not to say I've been leading a particularly unhealthy lifestyle, but the mirror doesn't lie--no, it certainly does not-- and I decided to take action. So, it's a mainly vegetarian diet for me and plenty of running and walking. If I slim down as a result of my shift in focus, then perfect, but at this point in my life I'm more concerned with feeling good than looking good.

I've been meaning to watch The Matador for a couple of weeks now; maybe tonight will be the night. Now don't take this the wrong way, but I'm still sweaty from exercise and am about to step into a nice, cool shower, after which I'll enjoy my smoothie and think the kind of profound thoughts you imagine I think. I'll leave you with the sage words of Steven Wright.

If heat rises, then Heaven must be hotter than Hell.

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