Monday, July 9, 2007

And these feelings in my heart I know are meant for you

I confronted Bob TV about his piss bottle the other day. It was Saturday and I had just come home from work. I noticed the bottle was still on the floor by the door, so I went into the living room, where Bob TV was and asked him if he was planning on throwing the bottle away any time soon, or if he was displaying it as a piece of art. He said he'd throw away--by the look on his face, he'd forgotten it was there-- and did so promptly. I hope he elects to stick with the toilet from now on. Something tells me, though, that I'll see another of his piss bottles laying around.

I went to my parent's house yesterday for my birthday party. My sister, her four kids, and my grandmother were in attendance. Like always, I have to adjust to the general chaos that ensues when there are multiple children in a room. The crying and screaming and everything else associated with children made it difficult to have a conversation; as soon as one would get going, a child would start crying or step too close to the open cellar door or knock over a flower pot. It wasn't a necessarily bad experience, but, as I said, one that needed adjusting to.

I was grateful for the party. My oldest nieces, Shannon and Kiley, made me a banner that said "Happy Birthday" and had drawings of balloons and guitars on it. And later, Kiley stood in front of me and performed a few songs on her violin as a birthday present for me. Her playing was horrible and it was some of the most beautiful stuff I've heard in a while. Colleen, the little one, hid from me the moment I arrived. She does this often; my parents think it's because of my beard, but I'm not so sure. Maybe it's awe; the light I cast is damn bright.

After everyone had left, I stuck around and talked with my parents for a couple of hours. I left feeling fortunate that I have the family that I do.

I went over Amanda's house later on and helped her put in her new air conditioner. That was my fourth installation of the summer. I'm getting pretty good at it. We put it in just in time; the room was starting to get pretty muggy. Once the room became comfortable, we had a couple of beers and, sitting on her bed, watched commercials and tv show clips from our youth on Youtube. Watching Ricky Schroeder break dance on Silver Spoons was nothing short of sublime.
I came home around two and read some Sherlock Holmes before falling asleep with the book on my chest.

Now, I will go cook some dinner-- maybe I'll grill a chili lime chicken burger-- and afterward I'll work on some songs and watch some Deadwood. Sounds like a plan.

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