Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Planted like a seed in sand

New Fleet Foxes album out today, so naturally this guy went out and got it. Why? Because they're one of my favorite bands. And, on the 16th, we'll be seeing them at the Orpheum. And you better believe we'll be getting some Vietnamese food before the show. Holla! Anyway, so far so good with the album. There's a lot of depth. I shall not attempt to know it fully on this my first listen.

Amanda is staying at our place tonight. She regaled Janelle and I with tales from her past that were utterly fascinating. This led to a juicy discussion about religion. Great getting to know her better. Too bad her and Blake moved back to Texas.

The Celtics lost tonight. I'm glad I missed the game. I have a strong feeling they won't get past the Heat. Am I a cynic? More a realist, I think. At least regarding the Celtics chances. Still, I'm hoping they'll excel.

I had a hypothetical I was going to share, but it's late and I need to prepare for slumber. You know how that goes. Perhaps another time. Cheers, bitches.

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