Tuesday, May 24, 2011

All aboard that train.

Listening to Crosby, Stills, & Nash. I really love that self-titled album. Suite: Judy Blue Eyes, Guinevere, Helplessly Hoping......beautiful stuff. I hear this album and I'm back in the car, driving through the mountains of Vermont at sunset and contemplating a life there; earthy-crunchy, a wife and friends, love and warmth. I envisioned a farm....

We wear many masks, we see many lives.

I went for a run today, but it was so muggy, I didn't go as far as I usually do. I've been doing so much yoga lately, running has taken a back seat. Need to even it out, though all the yoga has made me feel as limber as a cat and strong as a lion. A lion, I say!

Somehow Pooch Edward Bottoms ended up spending the day in the basement. Not sure exactly how it happened, but I'm sure it had something to do with me going down there at one point to collect some clothes from the dryer. As I left for work, I noticed his absence, but figured he was with Janelle or the dog walker. When I came home, I went for the aforementioned run, ate dinner, did laundry. It was when I made my down to the basement that I discovered PEB had been home all along. I felt bad, but not terribly so. I think he liked it down there, quite frankly. It was nice and cool and there is much to explore. Probably goes some way in explaining why I never heard a peep out of him. Still, I fed him some cheese, took him outside, and told him I was sorry.

Poor Janelle. I just picked her up in Cambridge. She had been running with PEB and her car key escaped from her shoe, rendering her transportation-less. A nearby garage is making her a new key. Fortunately, Trader Joe's was close. They sell dumplings that make everything all right.

And remember this: Silence is the voice of God. Everything else is a rough translation.


Kate said...

You're as strong as a lion?? Yikes, I guess I'd better not challenge you to a arm wrestling match!
For all of the walking that I do I am pretty happy with my legs but I still have angel hair pasta arms! Ha! (I think that a lot of people are under the impression that because I don't drive I must just sit at home all of the time and never go anywhere.) I am not naming names but I feel that I must shoulder some of this blame for not dispelling this idea but I never used to realize how common it was! However, I also think that it is a bit naive of certain people to assume that I would not find another way of getting around simply because I don't drive a car.
In reference to your previous blog I am glad to read that you didn't lose your job.
I will be posting to my blog again very soon

Kevin said...

Hear me roar, Kate. Let me know when you post.