Sunday, January 3, 2010

We choose no kin but adopted strangers

A short post tonight; I've got things I want to do. Snow, bleak slate skies, more snow. The Sun peaked through the gloom for a short while today and then closed the curtain for who knows how long. I watched a few movies this weekend, sick hound that I was. Here they are:

1. Ballast - Slow, Terrence Mallick slow. That is a compliment. Touching story about a mother, her son, her ex's brother, and how they cope with loss and adversity.

2. Peaceful Warrior - Adaptation of Dan Millman's Way Of The Peaceful Warrior, with Nick Nolte as Socrates, the film's Mr. Miyagi. Pretty faithful to the book, which I've read a couple of time. Overall, pretty average, but well acted, and the fact that a spiritually nourishing movie that instructs as much as it entertains even got made is reason enough to applaud it.

3. Let The Right One In - Brilliant Swedish film about a bullied twelve year old boy who befriends a girl ostensibly his age that happens to be a vampire. This is what a vampire movie should be like. Dark and bloody and grim, but it's a love story above all else. Eff Twilight!

Watched a bunch of The Tudors, too. This show resonates with me on more levels than pretty much any show I've ever seen. Though the show is well received, I don't think there are many who'd recommend it as strongly. I won't argue with that. I just love it because of the time period, the acting, the complex story lines, the moral ambiguity. And with any great story, it goes where it needs to, at the expense of major characters and plot.

Had dinner with Mara last night in what I like to call the Japanese Quarter of Porter Square. There's a whole floor of a little mall that houses everything Japanese: stores, restaurants, bakeries. At one of the restaurants, I had a delicious chicken teriyaki dish. Afterward, we went over to Porter Square books for a little browsing. I picked up Dan Simmon's The Terror with the gift card Janelle so sweetly got for me for Christmas. I saw Eckhart Tolle's The Power Of Now on one of the shelves and told Mara I was currently reading it. She didn't believe me. I tried explaining to her that I was indeed reading it, but she wasn't buying it. "Why is it so hard to believe", I asked. "It'd be one thing if it was Ann Coulter's latest", I added. I'm not sure if she was messing with me or what, but it seems to me she finds that type of reading to be pretty silly. I'll have to investigate further.

Ok, as promised, short and sweet. Back to work tomorrow. I don't want to go, plain and simple. It won't be that bad, though. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this job isn't as unbearable as most of my others.

1 comment:

firefly collective said...

I am pretty sweet, aren't I? *grins* *sweetly*