Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm calling from the fun house, I came to play

The thing about enlightenment, and I touched upon this in my last post, is that reaching it is so simple it's difficult. Is that a paradox? Yes, I think it is. Please correct me if I'm wrong. To continue, I'm discovering first hand just how difficult it is. I've got a map, which I don't doubt is an important part of the equation, but the terrain is a bitch.

Meditation teaches us how rampant our thoughts run, how the ego has complete control, the inmate running the asylum. Still the mind, be present. Sounds easy on paper, but it's like someone explaining to you that the key to staying dry in the rain is to not let the drops touch you. Because I've been trying to be more aware of how adversely the near-constant deluge of thoughts that affect me, I understand a lot of why the world is the way it is and why it's important to be present, to be conscious. I'm giving it a shot.

The possible Bigfoot footage I wrote about in the last post has proved to be a human wearing a back pack. Ostensibly, he was a member of the film crew who somehow found himself in the shot of caribou migrating. Man, I was hoping it was going to be the real deal, primarily because the film (part of a documentary called The Great North) was shot with an IMAX camera, which weigh about a hundred pounds and offer an amazing amount of clarity at great distances. A closeup would have left no doubt whether this was a human or undiscovered primate. Well, it's good to know what it was. Most purported footage of Bigfoot tend not to pan out. Out of the welter of clips out there, especially with the advent of YouTube, only about 5% is worth looking at.

It's Friday and I'm happy to be home. I look forward to not being woken by an alarm clock. That will be nice.

I'm almost finished The Brothers Karamazov. I've been reading it since, what, November? Mind you, my time with it has been limited to lunch breaks, but still, it's been a long time. My copy has tiny print and pages so thin, they're almost transparent. I say I'm almost finished, but looks can be deceiving. It'll probably be another week until I finish.

I watched District 9 last night. Pretty cool, but I liked it about 15% less than I thought I would, which I'm pretty sure translates to 3 stars out of 5.

Spira called. We hadn't talked since the "Avatar incident", something you don't know about (all you need to know is that is was quick, in hindsight kind of funny, and didn't really bother me too much). We made nice and talked about her getting a dog and other stuff. It was good just talking like we used to.

Shane came down last night. Great seeing him. And it looks like I'll be seeing Scott tomorrow. We plan on knitting and gossiping about Tiger Woods and Jersey Shore. You're jealous.

Going to watch a movie tonight. Don't know which yet. Hmm.. maybe Che or The Human Condition. Or maybe something else. I'll let you know. Try not to lose sleep over it, though. I need you well rested.

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