Monday, January 25, 2010

Dread lion

Had a good weekend, but my Monday began with me waking up from a haunting dream, in which I was roaming the dark corridors of my unconscious, spending time in my (archetypal) parent's house with a love from long ago. I say it was a haunting dream and it was. I felt like a ghost, like I always do in dreams in that house. Dark rooms, shadowy figures, resurrected feelings that have died long ago. Inexpressible mostly, so I'll leave it that.

Back to the weekend. Got to see Craig, Foley, Rachael (who stayed at our place Saturday night), and Mara at various intervals. The group of us, sans Craig, who was only at our place for a short time, and Mara, who I hung out with later, ate dinner at Tip Top Thai. Yummy Pad Thai, yummy company. That will be the last time I get anywhere near the word yummy for a long while. I promise.

After dinner, my three companions ventured down to Salem to watch Aviv's band play. I wanted to go, but had found out too late. Instead, I hung out with Mara, who I'd made plans with earlier in the week. It was kind of a bust --Mara was, how shall I say, a little sleepy, nay very sleepy, and, consequently, there wasn't much social activity going on. We watched episodes of Parks and Recreation and Community. Afterward, I suggested to Mara she go to bed and told her I was leaving. There was no reason for me to be there. She could barely keep her eyes open the whole night. I found out today that she's been in bed with the stomach flu. She must have been on the brink of it when we hung out.

Later, I hung out with Rachael and Janelle until four in the morning. I didn't go to sleep until about four thirty. I almost called my mother for a chat, but decided against it for the obvious reason of not wanting to freak her out. A call that late, or early, depending on your perspective, usually means something bad has happened. The only reason I thought to call her in the first place was because she goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00 and wakes up around 1:00 or 2:00. She would have been wide awake around four but, alas, I made the right choice not to call her then. It's tough getting her on the phone, though, given our conflicting schedules. Sometimes I call around six thirty and my dad will tell me she just nodded off while watching the news. Hard to get a hold of, that one.

I finished The Brothers Karamazov today. I honestly thought I wasn't going to reach the end. A good story, but it just felt so long! My new lunch break book is The Pillars Of The Earth, a book I put down for awhile. I'm about halfway through it. Another BIG book, but more of a page turner and less cumbersome. I'll probably finish The Terror this evening. I can't say enough good things about this book. I like Dan Simmon's writing so much, my next two reads will be by him. First up will be his Sci-Fi -Canterbury Tales-inspired-Hugo Award winner Hyperion and then Drood, his next book after The Terror. I want to read that first, but I'm going to wait a couple of weeks for it to come out in paperback.

Finally got around to watching part one of Kobiyashi's epic The Human Condition. Good stuff. I look forward to parts two and three. I might watch another of his films, Hari Kari, tonight if time permits.

Felt such a surge of oneness while meditating last night that it actually spooked me. It came upon me, a vast, all-encompassing wave, and my mind, not used to relinquishing control, perceived this feeling as a threat and pulled the plug. It's okay, I'll get there again.

I felt a steadiness all day, despite the dream I had in the morning and despite other concerns, one of which involves my father's health. A product of meditating, I think, and my shifting perspective of life.

I managed to watch some football yesterday. I found the match ups intriguing, especially the Jets/Colts game. Not the biggest football fan in the world (that would be Jim "Sully" Sullivan out of Cleveland, Ohio), but I do enjoy the sport on occasion.

Okay, readers, you've had about enough of me and I've had enough of me, too. Good night, and good luck.

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