Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love me like a bomb, baby, come on get it on

My day had a melancholic note to it. Nothing really to do the day itself -- actually went fine -- but more, I suspect with the dreams that haunted me last night. Most I don't remember, but the one that woke me up this morning was actually kind of cruel. In it, Mandy, the dog of my youth, came up to me with her tail wagging. I crouched down and held her and told her I was so happy that she was alive. For some reason, I had thought she had died, but obviously that wasn't true. Yes, she was looking long in the tooth, but she was still alive. I held her tightly, afraid that if I loosened my grip, she would disappear. And then I woke up. Guess I didn't hold on tight enough.

One of the Paralegals at one of the law firms I deal with on a daily basis was quite a bit more friendly with me today than she usually is. I've only ever corresponded with her through emails and the occasional phone call, but I do know what she looks like and she is cute, to be sure. Anyway, the tone of our emails is usually friendly. Emails are tough with someone you've never met, especially when they're work related. Well, maybe not especially-- perhaps they're easier because you can keep it strictly business and not have to worry about things like sarcasm, always dicey in emails, being misinterpreted. I digress, but you get the idea.

Today, when I sent her an email concerning a mistake I noticed on one of the docs she had sent over, she replied with this: "Oh, I didn't notice that. Thanks for the catch! You are the best ! ! ! !" Not terribly over the top, but a lot more animated than her typical responses. I sent her another e mail addressing a similar concern and this time she upped the ante. "Thank you so0000 much!! You are awesome!" And so on.

Who knows why she acted that way, but here are some of my ideas:

1. She was high on something, most likely Ecstasy

2. She'd been screwing up a lot lately and has been worried about getting fired. My catching her
mistakes staved off the hangman for at least one more day.

3. She might not be that bright and was in awe of me for pointing out the fairly obvious.

4. She has a crush on me. Hey, why not? Must not let her meet me in person, though. Would
ruin the mystique.

5. This one's more convoluted and actually not that implausible. Sherri, the Paralegal in question,
having seen some of my emails to and from her coworker, Carole Anne, grew envious of their
general tone, which is almost always exceedingly friendly, and stepped up her game in that
respect. Maybe they're enemies and are fighting over me. Ooh la la! Sherri has her work cut out for her because, though I haven't met Carole Ann, I'm almost100% positive she is one of the nicest people on God's green earth. Some other time, perhaps, I'll illustrate in more depth
why I think that.

Fuck, I hate to cut this riveting bit of rhetoric, but it's getting damn late. I may have to part 2 this bitch. Wow, my first To Be Continued episode. Or at least I think it is. Anyway, I'll get into the rest of my day, which included visiting my parents and rehearsing with Luke Warm, some other time.


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