Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

Went for a run with Spira earlier this evening. It was a good one. We did close to three miles, which included a couple of steep hills, and probably could have gone more. I was really proud of Spira; she never complained once and she really pushed herself.

Even though winter is fast approaching, I'm planning on stepping up my game and significantly increasing my running distances. By spring, I hope to be ready to enter myself in a few races. Short ones, though. Baby steps, baby!

I've got things to do and I'm going to squash the bug that is this post. I thought to throw in my two cents regarding the election, but all my change is silver, which is to say I'd be writing all night -- can't do this thing small. Now, I know you feel like I've deprived you of something deep, significant, and abiding --- and I have---but, trust me, you don't want to hear it tonight. I'd be what the youngsters call a "buzz-kill" and I'm pretty sure you're still mid-coitus with your candidate du jour. No need for me to get involved.

Well, the C's are on and I've got laundry to do and some ice cream to eat. Cheers.

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