Thursday, November 20, 2008

Candy came from out on the island, in the back room she was everybody's darling

Ellen asked if I was allowed pets in my apartment. "I'm looking into whether we can have a dog, but I'm pretty sure we can keep other animals", I replied.

"Well, the reason I asked is because I'm trying to find a home for a guinea pig".

"He has a comb-over like Donald Trump", Ann said.

Ellen nodded. "It really looks like he does. I was just telling Ann. So would you be interested?"

I tried picturing a guinea pig that looked like Donald Trump and came up short. I like guinea pigs, but I like my pets to have bigger personalities. It's why I love dogs so much. I'm sure, though, that if I took The Donald off Ellen's hands, I'd discover, after living with the critter for a while, that his personality was big enough. But, I'm not in the market for a guinea pig, so I said, "No offense to The Donald, but I'm going to pass." Then I pointed at Ellen and said "You're fired" and everyone laughed. Ok, nobody laughed. Are you happy now?
All day, mundane actions, like typing numbers into the computer or putting a folder in a drawer, provoked images that exploded in my head like a tommy gun's report. Everything connected;total deja vu. I can't remember any of the images --- they faded just as soon as they arrived --- but they had significance to the present moment. Beyond that, I can say no more; there are certain aspects of life that cannot manage the terrain of the written word.
Had a dream in which I was walking to Union Square with Spira and Mandy, the dog of my youth. We were about to pass Mara's place, when I decided I'd see if she wanted to come with us. As I approached her door, I saw through her window that she was dressed for a night on the town. Her sister came into view. I overheard them discuss the lecture they were about to attend.

I didn't bother knocking on the door and rejoined Spira on the street. As we walked, I grew worried over the fact that Mandy was without her leash. I nearly panicked, thinking of all the ways her roaming free could end badly. Spira noted that there were a lot of dogs around us not wearing their leashes and told me not to be too concerned about her welfare.

I disregarded her advice and bent over and grabbed Mandy's collar. My arm became the leash and, as we walked, I felt better, but I got the sense Mandy was dissappointed that I didn't trust her.

We reached our destination, which was Bluff Creek, California, where the famous film of Bigfoot was shot. Because it was a dream, I wasn't too put off by the fact that Bluff Creek was easily housed within Union Square.

We signed up for a tour of the creek bed where Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin happened upon Bigfoot and history was made. Spira and someone else we were with, I forget who, took Mandy and began the tour. I stayed behind.

I woke up feeling I had just taken a bizarre class in the art of letting go.

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