Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I was following the pack, all swallowed in their coats, with scarves of red tied around their throats

If I Mara and I were still a couple, today would have marked our four month anniversary. She texted me this earlier today: "Happy Un-niversary!". I was at my desk at work when I read it and laughed out loud, startling a couple of my coworkers, I'm sure. She's handling this better than I hoped. We're going to get together tomorrow night, I think, and it makes me smile knowing there was a chance I'd never see her again post break up.

The Fleet Foxes had me at hello. They're the perfect storm of all that I love in music. The words epic, warm, glorious, haunting, melancholic, jubilant, and gorgeous come to mind when I listen to them, which is almost all the time. Spira's taking Seany Boy to see them for his birthday. Not fair, I say! I should be the one going with him. She can stay home and sew, or whatever the hell it is she does when she's alone. I'm pretty sure she's not that fond of music---she doesn't even know who engineered Kick Out The Jams--- which makes her going to this show and not me, music maven par excellence, a travesty of the highest order.

I have to say, Vampire Weekend are damn good. They're the darlings of Indie-hipsters across the globe and they became so before their debut album was even released. That's why I fucking hate Indie-hipsters, because of shit like that, and that's why I thought I'd hate Vampire Weekend. When I finally checked them out, though, I discovered they were equal to the hype. Been listening to them way more than I thought I would.

Off to go read from Fatal Vision, one of the best true crime books ever written. And later, if the mood strikes me, I'll write you a beautiful poem.

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