Friday, August 31, 2007

But it wouldn't be make believe if you believed in me

I think I scared her off. Haven't heard from her since the night I was about to come out of the closet regarding my feelings for her. It's ok, though, and I'm not just saying that. I've been preoccupied with other things lately, and frankly, I'm not going to get all mopey about the situation. Not anymore and not for anyone. That's the goal, at least.

It's seven thirty on a Friday night and it appears Bob TV has barely put a dent in his packing. Considering Kreg is moving in tomorrow morning, it's safe to say Bob TV waited until the last minute to get his affairs in order. Oh, well, he doesn't mean any harm. Despite the frustration his move has caused, he's still a sweet guy and I wish him the best of luck. And I will miss him, too.

I won't see him off, nor will I be here to welcome Kreg into the fold. I'll be at work and afterwards I'll be heading to the Cape to see Michelle. I'm looking forward to seeing her and also relaxing. Works been a wee bit hectic and I'll be happy to leave it for a couple of days.

Wanted to run today, but forced myself to take a powder due to some weird right leg/hip pain that's left me with a slight limp. Better to rest it for a day or two more before I hit the track again. My hope is to get back to it as soon as I can before I grow too complacent. Got to keep myself in check, to very loosely paraphrase Mr. Ice Cube.

Spoke to Spira today after a longer than usual hiatus. She just got back from California and filled me in on how it went. I didn't realize how much I missed her until I heard her voice.

I miss a lot of my friends. I count myself one of the luckiest people out there to have a number of close friends. High quality all around. I bow at the feet of all of you.

Today was Ryan's last day. He's going back to school and will work here and there through the winter, but for all intents and purposes, he's done. He spent his last day in typical fashion: he threw temper tantrums, took one of his lengthy bunker-buster craps, acted way too giddy in response to absolutely non-giddy happenings, and tried, but once again failed, to get me admit I smoke pot. He's been on a mission from day one to not only get me to admit I smoke, but to also get me to smoke with him. Sorry, lad, not budging.

Ok, my lids are growing heavy. Time to stop.

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