Last night I came downstairs--must have been around ten--and I noticed the front door was wide open. I could hear voices coming from the open window in the living room that faces the porch and I assumed it was Bob TV talking to our neighbor, Steve. I went into the kitchen and saw that the door to Rich's bedroom was open and there was no one inside. I went back into the living room to see what was going on outside, because at that point it was evident that Rich was the one on the porch with Bob TV.
Just as I entered the living room, I could hear Bob TV, like an only child who doesn't know how to play well with others, pouting over Rich's refusal to comply to the letter with Bob TV's direction. I couldn't make out what exactly was going on, but my curiosity was demanding to be sated, so I decided to go out to the porch to seek enlightenment.
Rich stalled my progress by coming in the house. He was holding what looked to be the lower half of a crutch and, smiling broadly, I asked him what they were doing.
"Bob wants to film me shooting a blow dart across the street.", he responded as if it was an ordinary occurrence.
"Okay, come!", Bob TV commanded from the porch. Rich shook his head, rolled his eyes, and like a good soldier, he went out on the porch to fire a dart across the street.
From the living room, I watched Rich stealthily make his way to the porch railing, crouch down and raise his dart gun to his lips. Just as he was about to shoot the dart, Bob TV yelled "cut" and told him the lighting was off. Rich came back in the house and, my curiosity still aroused, I asked him some more questions.
"Is this a scene from a film he's making, or is this some random flight of fancy of his, like the passport thing?"
"I guess he's trying to reproduce a scene from a Hunter Thompson book.", Rich replied. That made sense; Bob TV's been on a Thomson kick these last few weeks. I couldn't contain my laughter, but I tried to keep it subdued so Bob TV wouldn't hear it from the porch. So, in a half-whisper I asked Rich if he was supposed to be Hunter Thompson or a character in one of his books.
"Man, I don't know, but this is starting to get old.", he said dejectedly. From outside, Bob TV hollered for Rich to get ready for another take. Rich rolled his eyes again and I merrily went back to my room. Fucking Bob TV.
I went out the park near my house to read this afternoon. A beautiful mound of a park, replete with benches, walkways, and strange medieval towers looming about here and there. I've always intended to spend some time there, but until today I never have. At the crest of the hill I spotted a cute woman in jeans and a t-shirt lying down on the grass reading. I made sure to give her enough space and settled down about fifty ft. away from her. Every once in a while I'd look over at her and she'd be lying on her stomach with her legs kicking up in the air, or some other care free pose. She was barefoot, and though I'd stop well short of calling it a fetish of mine, there's something about a barefoot woman in jeans that scratches me where I itch. So, when I was able, I'd sneak a look or two, careful not to enter creepy territory. But, mostly I read. Seriously.
Back to work tomorrow and it's going to be a busy week. I think I'll handle it ok, but I'm not exactly looking forward to it. Better enjoy what remains of my time off while I can.
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