Friday, March 9, 2007

Employed at last!

I met with Karen at Taylor Rental yesterday and she offered me the job without actually offering it to me. She told me she'd get back to me later in the day with her decision. I was hoping she'd tell me then, so I wouldn't have to spend the rest of the day wondering, but it all worked out. When she called me later on, she offered me the job officially, and at a much higher pay scale than I anticipated. I was a ball of relief when I got off the phone with her. I realized afterward that if I didn't get this job, I would have been screwed. Even if I got another interview set up, it would have been too late in the game for me to recover financially. I'm still glowing a day later at my good fortune. I start Monday.

It's been a tumultuous six months for me and things are finally getting better. I take full responsibility for the problems I faced, just as I give myself a good amount of credit for sticking this out and keeping a healthy attitude. For the most part. There were periods when my outlook soured considerably, but considering what I was facing, and still am to a degree, I'm proud of myself for not letting it get worse.

Spring is approaching and change is in the air. Spira is moving and soon Bob TV and I will be living with someone else. And with the warmer weather, I'll be taking my walks again and enjoying the city. Ahhhhhh.

My neighborhood is generally quiet, but my neighbor Steve isn't. He's a nice, soft spoken guy, but he likes to hang around outside in his driveway, which is directly under my bedroom window, pretty much all day every day. What does he do, you ask? Well, some days he'll work on one of the cars that sits in his driveway. And by that , I mean he likes to take a big ol' wrench and bang it on the engine block, for, I don't know, several hours at a clip. Even when it's frightfully cold out, Steve's out there revving the car's engine (like he's doing right now) or banging away with his wrench. He also likes to break apart the ice in the driveway, break apart the ice on his trash barrels, and other activities that result in a lot of noise making. I especially enjoy his ruckus when I'm trying to read, perform yoga, or meditate. He works the night shift somewhere, so maybe I'll have to return the favor sometime when he's trying to sleep. Anyone have a drum set you're willing to part with?


Sun Wu Kung said...

Congrats on the new job. I hope this doesn't mean you'll stop writing.

Kevin said...

If anything I'll probably have more to write about now. Hopefully, my job related posts will be positive in nature and not a lot of complaining. We'll see.