Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A day away from the grind

I had today off from work and tried to mix the chores that needed to be done----laundry, banking, grocery shopping--with relaxation. It was a successful venture; I completed my chores and found time to do some reading, rip some CDs to my computer, and even take a brief nap. I also managed to watch a lecture on Google Video by David Ray Griffin, a member of Scholars For 9/11 Truth. His topic was the lies, distortions, and omissions found in the 9/11 Commission Report. His presentation was well thought out and riveting. Unlike the official story of what went down on 9/11, Griffin backs up his assertions. I recommend you check him out.

We rent a karaoke machine at work and I'm going to use it for a party in April that I'm planning. I am fascinated with karaoke, though I never go out and do it. I've only done it once, actually: years ago, Amanda and I performed a stirring duet of "Stop Dragging My Heart Around", by Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks at some dive bar in Woburn. We tried to get Luke Warm to have a go at Coolio's Grammy winning masterpiece, "Gangster's Paradise", but he refused. What a party pooper. Ever since that night, I've associated karaoke with merriment. You can't go wrong: if someone sucks at it, it's hilarious; and if someone pulls a song off with skill, well, then, you get to hear some nice singing. I prefer the crappy renditions, but it's all good. I've done the math, and if I have karaoke at my party it will make it eleven times more fun. Amanda must have intercepted my thoughts on the matter, because she just emailed me announcing her intentions to throw a karaoke party in her living room. With two karaoke parties on the horizon, we may finally get to hear Luke Warm perform "Gangster's Paradise".

Because I'm working again, I've had less time to practice yoga and meditate. When I first started yoga, I had visions of doing it every day before I left for work. I wake up at six thirty every morning. If I was to practice yoga in addition to my normal morning routine, I'd have to get up around five thirty. Not impossible, and I think it would eventually propel me to new physical and spiritual heights, but convincing myself in the dark fog of morning to do much of anything is a daunting task.

This afternoon, the thought hit me that, by some strange twist of fate, my past could prove to be my future. Probably not, but sometimes you have to lay back and be wistful. I'm being purposefully vague, but maybe not for long. Mystery abounds.


Sun Wu Kung said...

For some reason, karaoke is one of the single most fun activities in the world to me. I don't do it a lot, mostly because I don't go to bars and most of my friends are too "cool" to do it. When I had the opportunity, down in Tampa, to do it all the time, well, there was no stopping me.

I hear you about the yoga. Remember, you can still maintain by doing the royal court or the twelve basic postures. One of the greatest yoga teachers I've ever had said he spent about a decade doing nothing other than simple sun salutations until he had time to study seriously. You'll feel so much better if you stick with it, even in a reduced form. Or so it seems to me.

Kevin said...

Glad you're on board with the karaoke. You are hereby invited to attend my party and sing up a storm with the rest of us. Now, I've just got to organize it.

Sun Wu Kung said...

Awesome. I'll bring the doritos and the purple drank.