Saturday, March 10, 2007

Damn!, or something

Last night I went to Kowloons, a hotel-sized Chinese food restaurant in Saugus, with some of my former co-workers. I didn't feel as terrible about being frivolous with my spending as I would have if I was still unemployed; even still, when the check came I winced. I could have had my meal payed for and had some cash left over if I had wanted to. A couple of the guys put forty three dollars on the table for anyone willing to drink a ramekin of hot mustard. When it appeared that I was the only one considering it ---I can recognize a good bet when I see one--- they focused their energy on convincing me to do it. I had already tasted the mustard and it was more potent than most others I've had and I was pretty sure if I took the bet I'd be a walking furnace for the rest of the night. And without doubt, there would be vomiting involved. I looked at Mike, who was sitting beside me, and said "You realize that in essence, you'll be paying me to puke all over you and your food, don't you? Because I'm 99% sure that will be the outcome." He thought about it for a minute and replied, "Yeah, I'm cool with that". As it happened, I wasn't. Tempting as it was, I declined the bet and came home with a thinner wallet.

Spira and I walked to TrueGrounds for some white mocha lattes this morning and I was pleased beyond measure that it was warm and sunny outside. As we were ordering our lattes, Spira razzed me about having mine with soy milk, rather than whole . She pointed out that real men drink whole milk. "Maybe you're right", I told her. " I have seen an inordinate amount of surly looking fellows at the local speakeasy, nursing glasses of milk as they hurled insults at each other." This earned me a laugh from the girl at the counter. Kevin: 1. Spira: a big, fat goose egg. Who's the man, now?

When we got back to the house, one of the neighborhood cats, a friendly tabby, was waiting for us on our porch. We spent some time with him ( I know it was a male because I checked. Thoroughly.) as we sipped our drinks and talked. A fine morning.

This afternoon I watched Bullit for the first time ever. I was engaged for the first forty minutes, or so, and then became bored. Too bad, I had expected to like it. Next up is The Science of Sleep. I'm pretty sure I'm going to love that film. If I don't, I'm going to do something drastic, like whisper "Damn!", or something.

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