Tuesday, August 21, 2012

And when we got on the ship, he brought out something for the trip, he said "It's old, but it's good"

An active day. Work was busy and flew by. I don't say it often, but I work with some nice people. I never wake up in the morning grimacing at the thought of having to go to work. Well, I do sometimes, when I'm fussy at having been woken up, but that's never going to change, even if my job is going to the beach and lounging around.

Visited with my parents after work. We sat on the porch and talked. They offered up provisions for my camping trip (I wish more of their thoughtfulness rubbed off on me) and we ate calzone. They walked me out to the car when I left and our goodbye was prolonged, as if we weren't going to see each other for a while. Hope that's not the case.

Watched Keyhole the other night, or, to be more precise, over the last few nights. I kept falling asleep and had to pick up where I left off the previous night. The film is hypnotic and strange, a fever-dreamed shot-put of film noir,  and I'm still  not sure how to interpret it, short of saying it's either a masterpiece or one of Maddin's weaker outputs. I'm thinking the former; each time I went back to it, I felt I understood its language better. Anyway, children, if you have even a pin- prick's worth of adventure in you, I command you to watch this film. You will thank me on your knees. It's a trip, man.

Now it's off to try to record a live take of a new song. I like it quite a bit. It's been with me for a while and evolved slowly. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking it'll be called "Heaven's Dusty Stars". It contains more of a narrative than my usual fare. No, it's not about ponies.

 Here's the deal: if you know me personally (hell, even if you don't) and ever feel like I'm not doing right by you, let me have it. I don't mean take a copper pipe to my spine or a blow torch my sternum, but if you need to call me on something, do it. I may act like a baby about it, but it'll probably be for my own good and I'd get over it. FYI, this public service message isn't exactly applicable to anything going on in my life right now, though it seems to suggest I'm appealing to someone directly. I guess I'm just saying that I don't want to be the asshole in your life.

Good night, my friends.


Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

So yeah... the last paragraph strikes interests...It makes one wonder...
1. Who IS he talking to?
2. Does he wonder if he is a widely perceived asshole?
3. Does this have anything to do with his parents being thoughtful and wishing it would rub off?

Err.. my thoughts here...

Personally, if I am an ass, ITS INTENTIONAL. I highly doubt you are a habitual offender.

If you are the giver chances are you will never have anyone "give" to you the way you give to them... and if you are the receiver... chances are, you are only aware of others people thoughtfulness 50% of the time... the other time thoughtfulness is acknowledged by a shrug of the shoulders and an "awe that's nice", therefor... thoughtfulness is way over rated and I only recommend it in very small amounts.

Kevin said...

1. The MIRROR!!! (Oh, wouldn't that be something).

2. I don't think I'm perceived as an asshole, but, despite my best efforts, I can be.

3. No connection between the bit with my parents and that, at least not consciously.

Good points about being thoughtful. How's the pregnant life? Hope it's not kicking your butt too much. I can't even imagine what it must feel like.

Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

Haha. Most of my intellectual conversations are between me and my bathroom mirror... ;-)Crazy is as Crazy does. haha

Not being an ass and being perceived as one is so frustrating especially despite your best efforts. So I personally think if someone falsely calls you out, thats a pretty asshole move on their part and should quickly be nipped in the bud, by the classical saying "I know you are but what am I".

Glad to here no connection there because like I said, thoughtfulness is over rated.

The pregnancy is going great! I know I should be use to having babies by now but having a person stuck in your body will never feel "normal" especially now that he can hear voices. He will kick and my belly will form a bulge in the strange shape of a small fist or foot... very weird feeling