Friday, April 15, 2011

When it blows it stacks

This was a week that wasn't so bad on the surface, but it was tainted in the belly with grim occurrences. All around me - my own, my friend's. Today was the worst day of the week. My Friday began innocently enough, but it ended with me having to process a bunch of shit.

Part of the fun was commuting all over the place in oppressive long weekend traffic. Went to my paren'ts house after work - that part of the day was good - and came home around nine, spent and beaten down. To cap it all off, Janelle informed me she's moving out. I should have stayed the fuck in bed today. Ah, one thing at a time, one thing at a time.

Life grows steadily worse, slowly. I don't like stating that, but it feels that way. Hopefully, and I use that word little conviction, this is a signal of better times to come. I'm about ready for a turnaround. Something good, because frankly, I'm just about done.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a crappy few days, Kevin. But, I also hope that things will look up for you very soon! (And I am confident that they will!) I know that you will miss your roomie Janelle and of course Mr. Pooch Edwards Bottoms but I know that you'll remain close. Take care of yourself!