This past weekend will not go down as one of my favorites, but it could have been worse. I hung out with Mara Saturday night. We ordered dinner in and watched Never Let Me Go. Good seeing her; it had been a while.
Sunday found me in a poor state. I had a lot on my mind and was feeling lousy about recent developments and how they bode for the future. Some time after noon, I saw that I had a text from Sandy. Missy had just been attacked by another dog and she was at the animal hospital.
I called her, but she didn't pick up. There was nothing for it but to go into Boston and join her. As I was figuring out a game plan, Janelle arrived home. We headed to the hospital. Midway there, Sandy called me and said they had sent her home. They were taking X rays, followed by some surgery. They told her she'd find it too depressing seeing all the injured and sick animals being brought in while she waited.
We met Sandy at her place. She was upset, but composed. She told us what had happened. Earlier in the day, she took Missy to a dog park they had recently discovered only to find it was closed. She decided to go to another one she knew about, but she wasn't sure exactly where it was. There was a woman nearby training her dog; Sandy, with Missy on her leash, approached her with the intention of finding out if she knew where this other dog park was.
When she got within a few feet of the woman and her dog (a Belgian Shepard, similar to the German Shepard) the dog pounced on Missy and proceeded to maul her. Sandy, in a panic, screamed at the woman to pull her dog away. Finally, the dog heeded the woman's commands and pulled away from Missy.
Sandy immediately brought Missy, who was able to walk, to her car. She worked it out with the woman to meet at the hospital, which, thankfully was nearby (Actually, she tried another place before the hospital, but this isn't a police report, so forgive me if I miss a couple of things). At the hospital, Sandy was told they couldn't admit Missy without a down payment of $2,500. She didn't have that kind of money available to her then, but fortunately the woman who owned the dog that attacked Missy had the money. It was about an hour before they took Missy in to be looked at. Out of anything that happened that day, I think that pissed me off the most.
Back at Sandy's, Janelle and I kept her company while we awaited word from the hospital. We were confident she was going to be alright, but our fingers were crossed. As the day went by, Janelle left for to do some work at home with the intention of coming back later. Around eight, we got the call from the hospital: Missy could come home.
At the hospital, we had to wait a while. They needed to take the IV out of Missy and had to wait for it to drain. Plus, she was still woozy from the anesthesia. While we waited, I understood why they had sent Sandy home earlier. It was a sad thing to behold, all the animals being brought in, some in rough shape.
Finally, Missy was brought out to us. She was limping and wearing a cone. Seeing her injuries, I welled up with tears. That dog really went to town on her. We brought her out to the car, but had difficulties getting her in the back seat. We took the cone off and then she was able to hobble into the back seat. I held her on the way home.
It's been a couple of days and Missy is recuperating. I visited her yesterday and she was in much better spirits. Today, she is even better. What a sweet girl. I love her.

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