Monday, April 11, 2011

Nowadays a woman's gotta hit a man

Had trouble sleeping last night, which is extremely rare. I should have been out like a light, but I kept waking up. I had a dream involving meeting my soul mate in the middle of a Red Dawn-like scenario. Must have been the Greek salad I had for dinner.

Yesterday, I power walked into Harvard Square and enjoyed the fine day. I wasn't home five minutes when Spira picked me up for our trip to the beach with Missy, the dog. It was a fun time, especially watching Missy run around all crazy-like and splashing in the waves. On the way home, we came within inches of slamming into a tow truck that had stopped suddenly. It was one of those moments you see in a lame comedy when the passengers scream "Ohhhhhhhhh Shhhiiiiiiiittttt!" in unison, except we didn't say a word. Spira thrust her arm out in a protective gesture as it all happened, which I found to be equally touching and humorous. "So you do care about me, after all", I should have said. It would have been hilllariouuuusss!

I spent almost my entire day in Salem at the registry and at Probate court. The people at the registry are always very friendly and helpful; today was no exception. Some of the people at Probate, however......well, lets leave that unpleasantness on the cutting room floor.

Two movies to watch from Netflix: Never Let Me Go and Cowards Bend The Knee. Maybe I'll get to one of them tonight. The other day I watched Tilda Swinton bring the ruckus in Julia. A fantastic movie that got almost zero attention when it came out last year. A shame.

Me tired. Me go.

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