Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jenny came by on her way, said she had a lot to say

A week since my last post, but I've been writing; just haven't published anything. I have something in the works I'll tell you about when the time is right. I just know y0u're going to love it!

No point trying to catch up on things right now. The Bruins are battling Montreal in game 6 of their playoff match up, and I'd like to devote some quality time to watching it, something I've not been terribly successful at thus far in the series. This post is just a quick hello to let you know I'm still among the living. Perhaps tomorrow I'll present a more detailed one.

Before I go, allow me to express how thrilled I've been with HBO's Game of Thrones series. Based on George R.R. Martin's epic work, A Song of Ice and Fire, the show delivers on all fronts. So far, at least. The books are the best I've ever read and the fact that the show renders them so effectively is quite a feat. HBO, once again, has brought the ruckus.

Ok, off to watch the B's. I have a suspicion they'll lose this one, but what do I know.

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