Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I'm hot and I'm young and I'm running free, a little bit better than it used to be

With Nathan Horton's goal, the Bruins have beaten the Canadiens in sudden death overtime. In game seven. You cannot ask for anything more thrilling as a sports fan. When it happened, my entire body reacted in a forceful "Yaaahhhh!!". Yet, I was kind of detached, which was the direct result of a little speech I had given myself about not letting the game dictate my moods. One year, when the Patriots lost to the Colts in a playoff game I felt they should have won, I brooded over it afterward on the walk back to my house. My body was tense and my mood was foul. I snapped out of it in a moment of satori, coming to the realization that there was no need for this. It wasn't me who lost the game. I've never even been that big a fan of football. Ever since, I've done my best, and succeeded, at not getting too caught up in sports.

I could go on, but it's late and I'm tired. Not a proper post, perhaps, but it's something (Don't tell anyone, but I get paid ten cents a word and I gots to get paid. My baby needs diapers.). Today's run was lethargic. I blame the warm temperature. Anyway, I need some sleep. Peace!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Have you heard from Leigh recently? It seems like she's disappeared.