Thursday, September 30, 2010

Everyone will start to cheer, when you put on your sailing shoes

Today kicked my ass and, consequently, I am beat. I spent the entire day at the Registry of Deeds in Cambridge trying to get a mortgage and a ton of other documents on record for Jeff. He had a closing this morning and, in his words, "These documents HAVE to get on record today".

Fine with me, but this whole affair was so convoluted - there were about twelve documents for this one property - I won't even bother trying to explain it. Just know that I had to record in the Registered Land dept., which is old school and by the books. One document on a single piece of paper might take them a half hour to record. And there I was with a stack of documents that were complicated and needed, I don't have the energy for even a small explanation.

Anyhow, the docs were rejected, which set off a string of calls back and forth to the office. The clerks at the registry aren't allowed to speak to anyone over the phone, so I was the middle man between Jeff and the clerk. "Why can't they accept the Trustee's Certificate if it has the same language as the Affidavit?", Jeff would ask. And the clerk, who was not hiding how pissed she was that she got stuck with me, would respond "Because you need a Chapter 184 signed by the seller's attorney and blah, blah, blah"

This type of thing went on all day. Everyone I talked to at the Registry told me they couldn't accept these documents and Jeff kept telling me to try harder to find out exactly why they couldn't. Not an easy task, especially considering I had little or no idea about the documents in question. I had no idea what a Chapter 184 was. Jeff kept telling me the docs had to get on record today, but he failed to understand I couldn't make them put them on record. Maybe if I had a gun, but I left it in my glove box.

Eventually, near the end of the day, the technical advisor, who was one of the few helpful people I dealt with, worked out a way we could get on record. Phew! It took almost two hours to record all the docs, but they were recorded. The whole process was taxing. I can't tell you how many times I had to run up and down various stair cases to retrieve faxes and what not. Oh, day, I'm glad you're done. All's well that ends well.

My lunch was at the office, so I didn't eat or drink a thing until supper. I practiced some yoga after work and did some laundry. Now, after I wrap this up, I am going to slip into a vegetative state. Oh, The Office is on. That might perk me up.

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