Monday, October 4, 2010

You are the law, the long hard road, grave inevitable destiny

A quick post, but it'll have to do. What's been on my mind? Let's see.

1. Been listening to The Roches a lot. I love their strangeness. I hardly expected to learn so much from them, but I have. Principally, I've been reminded what a joy music can be.

2. I've decided Lowell George is my current guitar hero.

3. Been rotating a few knew songs around. Sometimes they come in bunches. Trying to keep focused on them so that they may see completion while maintaining a flexible attitude. One of the knew songs is going to have the word rictus in it. Don't know in what context - I just love the word. It's a good one.

4. Watched Herzog's My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done. One word: Hell-Yes-Son!

5. Had a dream that woke me up at five in the morning. I'll spare you the details. Another romp through the woods of my subconscious. Mandy, the dog of my youth, was with me.

6. I just had a thought of honey-baked ham. Now I'm hungry. No ham for me, though.

7. I like this new Celtics line up. Looking forward to the upcoming season. A lot of depth and Shaq is in residence. How can you not get excited about that?

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