Sunday, October 17, 2010

She passes him on the spiral staircase, thinking he's the Soviet ambassador

Haven't posted much lately and I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe this has run its course. More likely I just haven't been inspired to write lately. It happens. I haven't been reading much these days; maybe there's a connection. Things have been happening, though.

For one, I just received confirmation from Ella that she will be our new roommate. Janelle and I are pretty happy about it. We only met with three people - everyone else was filtered out for various reasons or were no shows - and each we thought would make a good roommate, but Ella stood out. I kind of wish we had enough room for everyone. Mind you, I only kind of wish that. As things develop, I'll convey Ella in more detail.

Last night, I sat and listened to music. I did little else. On a Saturday night? Before you feel too sorry for me, understand that I enjoyed myself quite a bit and only felt the tiniest pang of guilt for not being social. Hey, sometimes you get a night where listening to music is all you want to do.

I listened to Richard Thompson's Sweet Warrior, Bob Dylan's Desire, The Band's Greatest Hits, and then some more Dylan: his Blonde on Blonde, an album that's confused and perplexed me as much as any relationship I've had. It's his White Album in more than a couple of ways. I sometimes have trouble deciding whether it's an absolute work or genius or at best, uneven. Last night, I leaned closer to the former assessment. Just the fact that it has Sad Eyed Lady of The Lowlands on it makes it a very good album, even if every other song was rubbish.

Desire is such a gorgeous album. I love the songs, the production (all that reverb - the drums sound huge!), the lineup, the cohesiveness (even though one of the criticisms people have of the album is that it lacks some). I came to Dylan fairly late, but I always felt I'd someday get him because I admired his propensity for expansion, his fearlessness when it came to trying new things. Listening to Desire as I type this. Great singing - he and Emmylou Harris have some fine duets- and there's a breezy, Mediterranean, feel throughout. Could be my favorite Dylan album

I've experienced some significant breakthroughs during my last couple of sessions of yoga. Been more flexible, stronger. I've been challenging myself a bit more and I've felt the results. I feel like I've made it to another tier in my practice.

Time to go play a bit with Pooch Edward Bottoms, aka Baby Boy Z.


Kate said...

No, no, no Kevin, you're supposed to have another guy move in and preferably a cute one that could make me forget about what's his face? LOL! Of course, for that to happen I'd have to like be there once in a while and you know meet the guy but you get what I mean, right?

So another Saturday night and you ain't got nobody huh? Join the club, I am glad that you enjoyed your Dylan though. But if you ever find yourself with another empty saturday or Friday or whatever night give me a call and perhaps we could commiserate.

Kevin said...

Sorry Kate, but maybe Ella has cute guy friends. I'll investigate.

Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

Glad you mention BBZ. I was getting concerned and wanted to ask but then was afraid that something happened to him and it was just to upsetting for you to write about. Therefor to avoid the awkwardness I have been waiting patiently. :) Good to hear of him.

Kevin said...

Oh, the Baby Boy Z is doing well, Leigh. I'll let him know he has a fan in you. In an earlier post, I meant to describe his encounter with a dead squirrel and how awful he smelled after rolling around in it. The house stank, too. Even after Janelle cleaned him up, there were still pockets of that foul smell throughout the house. I have a strong stomach, but there were several times I almost threw up in my mouth during that ordeal. He was pleased at punch with himself, the little bugger.

Leigh, Andrea Leigh Gil said...

LOL! Yes do let him know!

I know how they love to roll in stuff. Gag reflex I understand. After my pup rolled in something that is far to disgusting to even write about I had to bath him with a barf bucket next to the bath tube. Next time try a vinegar bath...the smell of vinegar evaporates so no worries there. Good luck with the little guy. ;)