I don't recall feeling the slightest built guilty for being a voyeur; in fact I felt as if it was preordained that I stumble upon this delightful scene and, furthermore, believed, nay, had a strong conviction, that these two lovely ladies, if they were to become aware of my presence, would not only be pleased, but their passions would escalate to intoxicating heights.
In spite of all that, I bolted like a skittish pervert when the woman I knew looked over at the window suspiciously. As I made my way back to the bungalow, I was overtaken by a third woman, who I instantly recognized from my waking life. I don't think we said a word to each other. In a flash, we were in a tent having vivid and not-too-shabby sex.
The End.
I have no idea what spawned the dream. If I had just watched a double header of Porky's and American Pie, it would have made sense. Hell, I didn't even look at any porn that night. Let me rephrase that: Hell, I didn't even look at that much porn that night. Whatever the cause, it was better than dreaming about killing a hundred golden retriever puppies with a branding iron or the same scenario in reverse. And before you ask -- no, I've never had a dream so horrific. Just pointing out the relativity of things, is all.
Went over to Spira's after work and met Missy, her new greyhound. I loved her instantly and couldn't stop petting and hugging her. She's been giving Spira the agita, though. The adjustment for both of them has not been smooth sailing. I'm confident things will improve, though. When I came home, Baby Boy Z looked a little hurt when he smelled Missy on me. Oh, Baby Boy, no one will ever take away our BFF status.
I watched the Celtics dismantle the Heat tonight. Great game. And last night, the Bruins/Sabres game was one of the best.....I'm sorry, what was that? You're not interested in my boring sports rhetoric? You'd rather I riff on the magnificence of this guy?

Fair enough, but for that to happen, multiple lengthy posts will be required. And, in order to do Sir Justin justice, I'll need a weeks preparation. His complexities run deep, my friends: keep that in mind when you're jonesing for a Bieber post.
And with that, I'm out of here. Getting late and I need to go have another frat boy dream. Girls locker room? Hey, why not.
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