Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm the guy who left you with tears in his eyes

Yesterday, my alarm liberated me from a lousy dream. I almost kissed it in gratitude. The dream wasn't terrible, but it was a real pain in the ass. In it, I was at the court house in Lowell, trying to do some recording for work and nothing was going right. I kept waiting in the wrong lines and discovered my car had been towed. My alarm went off as I was asking someone where my car ended up.

This morning, my alarm liberated me from one of the best dreams I've had in a long, long, time. I resisted the impulse to pulverize it with my fist. This dream, like the previous one, had me at a court house, this time vaguely in Cambridge. I say vaguely, because it was also in grandmother's living room, but determining geography in dreams is like trying to extract a tear from a glass of water. Where the dream took place doesn't matter. What matters is that I was with her.

I won't pursue the telling of the dream much further, because most of it is inconsequential. Most of it can't be articulated. But what I can and will share is how utterly terrific it felt interacting with someone who was as deeply attracted to me as I was to her. She was a composite of at least a few women I've known and it was established that she and I had worked alongside each other at the courthouse for some time. I was on the verge of asking her out, though it was pretty much a given we'd end up together at some point, that we already were on some level. I remember half-jokingly asking her this: "In the event that the courthouse hosts a ball, would you say yes if I asked you to go with me?". Without hesitation, she nodded yes, her eyes never leaving mine. We were one, we both knew it. We loved each other right out of the gate. This was what I've always wanted, what I've never had, not to this degree, in my entire life.

Waking up from that was rough. If I ever have that type of bond with someone, I will know true communion, something I've only had glimpses of. And it's not something unattainable. I wasn't dreaming of having a harem of fresh young women, though I suppose if I really worked at it, I could manifest that in my waking life, but you get the point. No, this was something people experience every day: simple, easy, and abiding love. I wonder, though, if I'll ever have that connection with someone. If I don't, I guess the closest I'll come will be this dream. Another glimpse.

So, two morning dreams at courthouses, one crummy, one yummy. I wonder, because of the similarities between the two, if there's some meaning to be derived. I wouldn't be opposed to at least one of the dreams being prophetic, but are any dreams prophetic? I guess the only way to find out is to wait and see.
That's all I've got tonight. Peace.

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