Thursday, July 30, 2009

The things that you tell yourself, they'll kill you in time

I turned on my Ipod the other day and discovered a problem. While some of the screen was back lit, the rest was an inkblot worthy of Rorschach.

Psychiatrist : Tell me, Kevin, what do you see?

Me: I see myself shelling out a couple of bills for a new Ipod.

In addition to the problem with the screen, I noticed a sizable dent in the rear of the unit. I quickly figured out what happened. Last week, when I fell on my bag in the pouring rain, in addition to ruining my lunch, I had crushed my Ipod. I'm glad I didn't find out about it then because it would have made my day that much suckier. It was only a couple of minutes later when my car wouldn't turn over.

Haven't bought a new Ipod yet, but I will. It will be a good investment; I used the last one all the time. In the meantime, I've been running sans music and, you know what, it hasn't been so bad. I've been enjoying the resultant quietude. I've enjoyed this new dynamic so much, in fact, I may continue going music-less on at least some of my runs when I finally do get a new Ipod.
Larry King will be interviewing the Boston cop -- Barrett, I think his last name is -- who wrote that racist email and sent it that Globe reporter. I may just watch it, if only to see how he tries to wriggle out of the spot on charges that his email was racist. How can you repeatedly call some one a banana eating jungle monkey, or something to that effect, and come out the other side of the act claiming you're not racist. And, lets' not forget, he made at least a couple of sexist remarks, to boot. Sorry, Officer Barrett, you're fucked, but I'm curious to see how you defend yourself. Ah, I'll probably miss the interview in favor of Six Feet Under, which just arrived in the mail (you're back in my good graces, Netflix, ol' friend). I'm sure I'll have ample opportunity, ad nauseum, to hear his remarks in the coming days.

Oh, and Big Papi got himself in a little hot water, too. I am not surprised at all. The only people who are, I think, are the ones who are blinded by their image of him. "No way Papi juiced. No fuckin' way! He's a class act and, most importantly, he's a Boston Red Sox player!" I know it's crazy, folks, but even nice guys who play for the vaunted Boston Red Sox can make mistakes. It is a shame, though, that so many of the game's heroes are proving to be cheaters.

We're fast approaching visit number ten thousand. Aren't you excited? I know I am. We are totally going to celebrate the occasion. Stay tuned.


Kate said...

Hey Kevin, I was just wondering if it counts my visit to your blog if I am not signed in to BlogSpot? I visit your blog on a regular basis but I have no idea if it only counts those readers who are also blogspot members themselves?

I have heard that the IPod may be on the way out as Apple is in search of the next fad; but I for one am not quite ready to give into the next wave until I have had my fill of the IPod. I was a late bloomer getting into the MP3 device movement. (I still have a Walkman from the late 1990's and I am going to hold onto that puppy until it bites the dust!) Because, for all of the things that I love about my IPod it does not have a radio and I am still very much a radio listener (which is yet another of a nearly extinct breed but I am old fashioned in that way).

Kevin said...

Hi, Kate. Your visits count. The only visits that don't get added are my own, and I had to rig the stat counter for that to be implemented. Last time I checked, the site was thirty hits away from ten thousand.

I've heard about the possible extinction of the Ipod and I'm with you: I'm going to continue using one for the foreseeable future.