Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You can drive out nature with a pitch fork, but it always comes roaring back again

Let's lighting round this bitch so I can watch some Celtics and Lost.

Dane Cook sucks. Actually, his comedy isn't soo terrible, but the presentation, the grandiosity of
his shows, makes me want to hurt him bad. If you've been a regular reader of mine, all of this is
old news. Sorry, but until he retires or, even better, goes to jail for the rest of his life, I feel it is my duty to point out how shitty he is. (Incidentally, my Uncle used to teach middle school in Arlington, and had Dane Cook as a student. Every so often he'll regale my family with tales of
how hilarious Cook was even back then. Yes, I am ashamed of my uncle.

Ok, about my love of Sister Salad...nope, still not ready.

The Chilli Peppers put out one great album: Blood Sugar Sex Magic. Since then, they've slowly and steadily submerged themselves in the cream of mediocrity. That's right, I said the cream of mediocrity. Got a problem with that? Anyway, they suck now.

There's a commercial for Consolidating Credit Counseling Services that I'm sure you've seen
before. Anyhow, the spokesman looks a lot like Gabriel Byrne, the fine Irish actor. In fact, I think it could be him,but that doesn't jive -- why would he lower himself to filming bush league commercials? Maybe he needs the money for smack and sex slaves. I know I do.

It's come to my attention that some of you skim when you read my blog. Fair enough, and with
that in mind, I'm thinking of changing things a bit to accommodate all y'all skimmers. Here's a taste of what the new, skimming friendly, blog will look like.

Yesterday, I did three somersaults and a cartwheel. I think tomorrow I'll add a tumble to the routine. goo goo ga goo doo doo daa doo fhfh dkk alkj dhdh tom hanks masturbates dk goo ddaa jjo fid flippity flop dii pie is for adults cake is for children gdii doiiau i hate every single one of you so effing much bdd dj fkjd i eiai kia ddk phantom menace is underrated kdj dkdj iaa I dkdk dk . dkjd .

See how I'll doos it? I'll make my point in the first sentence and in bold type, even, so it catches your eyes quicker. And the rest will be gibberish. Now you won't ever have to skim again and I won't have to waste anymore time writing paragraphs. I'll institute this new format in the next post, and by next post, I mean never. Fuck you, skimmers!

About halfway through Winterbirth. Loving it. Oh, shit, the C's are on. Holla!

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