Wednesday, March 11, 2009

With victory on high

Day two. Still sick, worse even. I didn't go to work and stayed in bed as much as possible. Over the course of the day, this bug, this intruder, put me through the motions. I went through spells of tight chest coughing, followed by loose cough expulsion. I had a stuffy nose and then a leaky one. Sore throat, no sore throat. Fatigue, restlessness. In the midst of this, I took three hour- long naps, read, and watched several episodes of The Office.

I canceled plans with Foley. It wouldn't have been good for either of us playing music together with me in such a weakened, undignified state. One of these days we'll get together.

Looks certain that U2 is playing the Somerville Theater as I write this. From a few different sources, I heard that this was the location of a top secret show they're playing. If this is for real, then it's too bad Craig moved out when he did. Who knows, if things had been different, he might have ended up bringing the lads back to our place for a pint or two.

Another thing that looks certain is me ending this so I can get under the covers and wait this bitch out. Oh, how I love being ill.

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