Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Jesus Christ was an only child, he went to the river and he drank and he smiled

At one point today, just to keep myself amused, I pictured friends of mine wearing the same outfit that Ricky Gervais is wearing in the video. Everyone looked ridiculous. I laughed and laughed. You will, too, if you try it. I was on my way to the rest room when I thought of it and when I came back to the office, I heard the song from the video on the radio. To borrow from Arsenio (you have been missed), it was something that made me go hmm.

Janelle and Zico, or Baby Boy Z, as I have decided to call him, rock the house. The house is beginning to look better than ever -- Janelle has the decorating touch -- and there is a nice, warm vibe throughout. I'm glad they're here.

We took Baby Boy Z to the dog park the other day and watched him play with the other dogs. We all had fun. It was particularly fun watching Janelle attempt to help Baby Boy Z extract a dingleberry from his caboose. I'm not sure she'd agree with me, however.

Had a dream in which I was in my parents basement by myself. I went over to the bar (my parents have a bar in their cellar. For all the times I pretended to be a bartender when I was growing up, I'm surprised I never became one) and behind it I saw a shimmering image appear. Slowly, it took on the shape of an old man. I was spooked. He started talking to me in a pretty calm voice, but I wasn't hearing any of it. I backed away as he approached me. He then morphed into a dwarf that resembled Weng Weng. I freaked out and ran upstairs.

High strangeness.

What makes the dream particularly strange to me is that when the old man appeared, it was as if he wasn't a part of the dream, and that was the central reason why I was so freaked out. If he had showed up at my door, I would not have felt threatened by him. Why would I? He was an old man who spoke calmly. Anyway, I wonder if some dream walker out there crashed mine.


Had a great run tonight. Managed about three and a half miles.I wore my new running tights for the first time. Spira cringes every time I refer to them as tights, but I say it because that's what they were called on the order form. It's really annoying when she does it. Why can't she be like the rest of the ladies and moan like she's on the verge of an orgasm when I talk about my tights? Ah, she must be gay. There's no other explanation.

Next post I'll present my anything-goes bucket list. It's going to be brutal.

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