Thursday, January 15, 2009

A cold wind blows back into the coast of me

Despite the brutal cold, I went for a run after work. My resolve to do so didn't waiver all day, even after hearing coworkers gossip about how severe and deadly the weather was. I went out to my car at lunch to drop off a book and determined that it was cold, very cold, actually, but not cold enough to keep me from running.

After work, I spoke with Mara and told her my plans for the evening. "You're going running? Are you crazy?", she said.

The resolve I had maintained all day shrunk a little. "C'mon, it's not that bad", I replied.

"It's not good to run in the cold. You'll probably choke to death or something."

I hadn't heard that before. Mara is generally a reliable source of information; this bit about the choking gave me pause. "Are you serious? About the choking, I mean."

"I was half-kidding, but I do know it can't be good running in this weather. You should just stay in. Do some yoga. Why risk it?"

I told her I'd think about it. I guess I could do yoga, I thought, but I was really looking forward to running. I decided to get some cold weather running advise from my bff, the internet, and after I did, I decided to go for a run. Nowhere did I read about choking to death or anything else life threatening. Sure, running in this weather could adversely affect your heart, if you have heart trouble, and aggravate your asthma, if you have asthma, but my heart is pure and the only inhaler I've ever been seen with is Luke Warm, who can really inhale those goldfish crackers (it's true that he's a big fan; ask him if you don't believe me). I bundled up and hit the pavement-- because I'm a fucking WARRIOR, damn it!--and took a big dump on caution.

The first mile or so was the most difficult. When my body temperature rose to a comfortable level, the rest of the run was a breeze. I'm glad I went. If it was ten degrees colder, though, I probably would have stayed in.
Spira came by to do some laundry last night and, along with Janelle, the three of us hung out and watched some Curb Your Enthusiasm. It was good seeing Spira. Hadn't seen her in a while.

Watched Tropic Thunder the other night ---stop me if I've mentioned this before --- and enjoyed it. Robert Downey Jr. stole the show. Without his presence, the film would have been average at best. I shouldn't say that, especially considering all the FUCKING AWFUL so-called comedies Hollywood ejaculates all over the world's belly. Let's leave it at the movie would have been slightly above average without Robert Downey Jr. Happy now?

Going to be a Herzog weekend. I've got a collection of shorts he did and The Wild Blue Yonder coming tomorrow. Provided, that is, my mail carrier (like how I didn't write mail man? I'm not sexist like you) doesn't fuck with our mail. I doubt he will, but I did call the post office and rat him out for not taking our mail, a consequence I had feared when Rich was leaving nasty notes in the foyer for the mail man to PLEASE SHUT DOOR TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm confident our mail will not be tampered with, but if it is, I will have to confront our mail carrier and throw Rich right under the bus about the notes. Then, only his mail will be effed with.

I love Herzog films -- they're the best-- and I can't wait to watch a bunch over the coming days. And I love Comanche Moon, which has been giving me much joy over the last couple of weeks. Oh, man, what am I going to do when I finish the book? No more Gus & Call, no more Buffalo Hump, no more Pea Eye, no more Innish Scull. Guess there will be nothing for it but to start reading Gossip Girls, which is now a popular television series, by the way.

Now I must go and do other stuff. Oh, and in case you're wondering, I closed out the Jazz in six. I schooled them in the last game, beating them by almost thirty points. Now, it's the Spurs, who are tough in the paint. They've got Big Ben and Jermaine O'neal, but I still beat 'em in game one. Let's see how I fare in game two. Stay tuned.

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