Wednesday, October 15, 2008

That is why I pack my 25, where nobody knows, right above my boot

Within the last few months my email has been inundated with spam. Gone are the days when I feel the slight rush of seeing that I have several new messages when I check my email. Now, it's almost all spam and nothing of a personal nature. Rather than get depressed over this fact, I've decided to embrace it. Let's see what this spam is all about, I say. Why is the first impulse to disregard and delete it?

For example, I was recently sent one from jeffrey jacqueline. The subject line was "Fantasy between her folds". Ordinarily, I'd delete the fuck out of that email, but when I thought about it, I realized I'd be crazy not to investigate this fantasy. I haven't entered the body of the message yet, but you better believe I'll be all over it once I'm done here.

Another one I received tickled my imagination and got the ol' blood pumping like you wouldn't believe. The heading was "Ocean dips in Britneys bra and panties, exposing her nipples and late night romp with a college guy". This isn't someone trying to get me to buy something. No, this is the news, son! And it's being delivered old school, grass-roots style. People need to be informed, to be told what's really going on in the world. I think I may write zelkity zicks back and thank him/her for the info. Fuck the economy, Britney's nipples have been exposed! More at eleven.

I had many moments alone with Ann at work yesterday and I didn't speak to her as much as I probably could have, but we weren't at a bar or a dinner party, so I'm not going to beat myself up over missed opportunities. When I did talk with her, I wasn't on my game. Several times, as words were pouring out of my mouth, I wondered who was feeding me these shitty lines. I was as perplexed at what I was saying as Ann must have been. It wasn't until the end of the day when I recovered and had a good conversation with her. Overall, it wasn't so bad. My grade: B-.

As the Rays were schooling the Red Sox last night, I had the Celtics/Cavs game on. Sure, it's still preseason, but what a game! These guys met in the Eastern Conference finals last year and their meeting last night felt like a playoff game. The C's emerged victorious and I can't wait for the regular season to begin.

So far, this season of The Office has been very good. Last season had its moments but it wasn't as good as previous seasons. It got a little too broad a little too often. Still, it was great stuff, especially when held up to other so-called comedies on television.

I watched Hitman the other night and it kind of sucked. The only reason I watched it was because Roger Ebert gave it a favorable review and it starred Timothy Olyphant from Deadwood, one of the greatest shows ever. He was just about the only thing worth watching in the film.

Had one of the best runs I've ever had last night. Thought it was going to be grueling because I had taken a few days off, but I had a ton of energy and drive. Apparently, the layoff was a good thing. Let's see how I feel when I go at it again tomorrow night.

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