Monday, October 6, 2008

The sun is up, the sky is blue, it's beautiful, and so are you

Some A&R company just contacted me on MySpace about including some of my music in an Independent film. The rep. left all his contact info and wants me to call him. For all I know, this could either be a ridiculous scam or something completely on the level. Not easy to tell. I'll do a little investigating before I decide whether I'll respond. I'm pretty sure I'll be the next Johnny Bravo as a result of this, but I don't want to get too excited until it actually happens.

Mara stopped over today. She was in the neighborhood, saw my car in the driveway, and decided to come over and say hello. I hadn't seen her in a while and welcomed the visit, even though I was in deep in a book at the time. I have to be careful in this time of post-break-up; it's evident that she would like to for us to be a couple again and that there is a chance it will happen. It's a balancing act, the way I need to conduct myself when around her, but it hasn't been easy. While I'm certain we should stay broken up, there is a part of me that misses having a girlfriend and there have been instances when I've let down my guard a bit. I'll leave it at that. Overall, though, I think I've done a good job making my intentions clear.

My morning run notwithstanding, I wasn't very active today. I spent the bulk of the day reading in bed. Hey, sometimes that's what you need to do. I suggest you do it tomorrow. Doctor's orders.

Depending on the weather, it looks like we'll be going camping this weekend. It should be gorgeous up in Vermont. I haven't been up there in over a year.

Watched Darkon, a documentary about roleplaying gamers, the other night. Specifically, Darkon is the name of the world and these people are it's inhabitants. The roleplaying is an offshoot of Dungeons & Dragons, and several times a month the gamers put on their medieval garb, drive out to some large swath of land, whether it be a football field or a farm, and conduct mock battles. There's an elaborate set of rules that goes with the game, rules that have been modified over the course of it's twenty-plus years of existence. I checked them out on the group's website because the film doesn't focus on them too much.

Definitely a worthwhile viewing experience. While I read from the genre, I've never been drawn to fantasy roleplaying. Not that I think it's a bad idea---hell, if I thought I could have gotten into it, I would have done so wholeheartedly, though it would have branded me an absolute dork for life. I guess, especially as I've gotten older, the willing suspension of disbelief required for such a game, is something I don't have enough of. Or maybe I do, but would rather focus it elsewhere. Anyway, my point is that I enjoyed the film.

And speaking of films, I'm off to watch American Gangster.

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